Can you help make this film a reality?
Richard DeVuono
We offer a large, cost competitive unique line of bronze decorative water fountains, statues and specialize in custom work, bronze mascot statues, and bronze firefighter award & memorial statues.
by Richard DeVuono
“CONEY ISLAND” based on true events, is a noir thriller that begins in Cassoria, Italy in the early 1900’s and shifts to Coney Island, New York. Utilizing noirish claustrophobic sets, and no need for stunts for major special effects. “CONEY ISLAND” a period film, can be made on a limited budget.
“CONEY ISLAND” is the story of two cousins, Giuseppe Martarello and Paolo Vincenza. At a school yard, a young Giuseppe, defends Lucia by beating up a much bigger boy who harasses and is physical with her. Even though Lucia favors Paolo, she’s committed to marrying Giuseppe due to an arranged marriage by Lucia’s father.
The death of Giuseppe’s father causes the family to lose their farm and forces Giuseppe to move to New York where a wealthy cousin gives him a new start as a farmer.
The revenge Paolo takes against a man who committed the cold blooded murders of his parents, prompts Paolo to flee Italy with Giuseppe. The noir, two month voyage turns Paolo from a murderer for revenge to a pathological killer for profit.
Even though Lucia is happily married to Giuseppe, her attraction to Paolo, adds another dimension of intrigue and romance to the story.
Giuseppe becomes very wealthy as a farmer and screwed real estate investments. Paolo becomes a notorious criminal and profits immensely through extortion, counterfeiting, speakeasies, prostitution and gambling. He slowly turns Giuseppe over to the dark side when prohibition becomes law. Through the use of Giuseppe’s warehouse and trucks and Paolo’s boats the men make millions.
As the story unfolds, Paolo becomes so notorious that the close relationship between the cousins becomes intolerable. The blockbuster ending, totally unexpected.
If you are interested in reading the screenplay, please adviset.
Richard DeVuono 321 804 4642