Are you willing to help?
According to the news, there is not much hope for the city of Chicago & not much you can do to have a positive impact poverty & crime statistics. One way to fight back is to empower future leaders through education. That is why it is so important to support local organizations that equip & support our future leaders to help change the narrative.
I'm helping my pastor, mentor, fellow missionary, & very close friend, Kevin Gwin.
Kevin is the founder of Pursue Scholars, a Christian urban leadership development program for Chicago-native students pursuing higher education.
But I have one big question. Are you willing to help?
If so there, here's what you can do:
1.) Register to run/walk the Lawndale 5k for Chicago's future leaders (There is no registration if you run with Team Pursue)
2.) Donate (any amount that you feel you can afford) even $1 "Mark 12:41?-?44"
3.) Share, share, share
4.) All of the above (win-win)
There are enough people talking about the bad on the west-side of Chicago & I want to show you the good!