Can You Hear ME?
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Can You Hear ME?

"Can you hear me?" "Can you hear ME?"?

That’s how it began with receiving this word.?

With which HaShem made it clear exactly and in one fell swoop what HE wants to tell us.?

??Tehillim 1??

1 Blessed is the ish that walketh not in the Etzah (counsel, scheme) of the Resha’im, nor standeth in the Derech Chatta’im, nor sitteth in the Moshav (seat) of the Leitzim (scornful, ones mocking and reviling).??

2 But his delight is in the Torat Hashem; and in His torah doth he meditate yomam v’lailah.????

3 And he shall be like an etz planted by the streams of mayim, that bringeth its p’ri in its season; the leaf thereof also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 4 The Resha’im are not so but are like the chaff which the ruach drives away. 5 Therefore the Resha’im shall not stand in the Mishpat, nor Chatta’im (sinners) in the Adat Tzaddikim. 6 For Hashem knoweth the Derech Tzaddikim, but the Derech Resha’im shall perish.??


Tehillim 2??

1 Why do the Goyim rage, and the Amim (peoples) imagine a vain thing???

2 The Malchei Eretz rise up in rebellion, and the rulers take counsel together against Hashem and His Anointed.?

3 Let us break their chains asunder and cast away their fetters from us.??

4 He that sitteth enthroned in Shomayim laughs; Adonai hath them in derision. 5 Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and distress them in His hot displeasure. 6 I have set Malki (My King) upon Tziyon, My Har Kodesh. 7 I will declare the chok (decree): Hashem hath said unto me, Thou art Beni (My Son); HaYom (today) I have begotten. 8 Ask of Me, and I shall give thee the Goyim for thine nachalah, and the uttermost parts of Ha'aretz for thy possession. ? 9 Thou shalt rule them with a shevet barzel; thou shalt dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel. 10 Have mercy now therefore, O ye Melachim; be warned, ye Shoftei Aretz. ??

11 Serve Hashem with fear and rejoice with trembling. ??

12 Kiss the Bar (Ben, Son) lest he be angry, and ye perish from the Derech, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Ashrei are all they that take refuge in him [Anointed One].?


The first Tehillim starts with the person who walks with his G-d and who finds delight in His Torah. While the second Tehillim speaks of rebellion and rulers who take counsel together, against Hashem and His Anointed.?

Since October 7th, the world is cut in half. For Israel, against Israel. The L-rd showed me, how many voices, are speaking about this situation, while He did not send them.?

They speak out of their fleshly way of thinking. Some of them carry a "hidden agenda" to gain popularity for themselves.?

Some of them, sitting in their plush chairs, in their well-heated rooms, who have never experienced a war, tell the homeland what to do and what not to do.?

Then of course you have experienced speakers, with a status of "experts", who provide the homeland with expert advice.?

But G-d showed me that no matter what and who and how, the main rule called "power" comes first by everyone.?

Let's take a closer look at the two psalms. As I said, one is about G-d and loving His Torah, while the other is about those in power and whose drive is to gain even more power.?

In short, Ruach Ha'Kodesh (Spirit) versus Flesh.?

And that's what it's all about. G-d wants us for Himself. And that is possible if we let His Ruach Ha'Kodesh flow unhindered.?

Not I, but HE must have the first place. Faith, trust, in HIM, not in my own little state of being.?

He showed me this week that there is a group that tells the homeland "You are too busy destroying the enemy, root and branch. Pure extermination and not looking at anything. Pure Genocide."?

While there is also a group that says, "You are too nice, you provide food and protection, where you can, you announce when you are going to attack, so that the population can get to safety, and you help the victims yourself etc."?


In short, whatever Israel does, it is never good!?

The simple truth is that the land is G-d's, and we, His children, are also HIS.?

And the IDF operates from that balance. Yes, they defend our homeland with tooth and nail. But on the other hand, there is also the care, from the LOVE of our Maker!?

Praying, before they go to fight, is not a game, but a serious connection with Him, who gives us breath.?

This past morning, we wanted to pray here, together.?

But it literally started with "Do you hear me?" While the other answered with "Do you hear ME?"?


Abba (Father) later made it clear that this was prophetic.?

Everyone wants to be heard. You see that on LinkedIn and on the rest of the internet. To be heard, not always with the passion for HIS truth. ?

But with the passion to be SOMETHING yourself. To be recognized and acknowledged.?

We are HIS and Israel, is HIS land. HE chooses HIS mouthpieces, to bring HIS truth and HIS wonderful counsel, to earth. HIS will, HIS truth which brings HIS life.?

Our entire prayer time, purely from HIS Ruach. I do not choose it, neither the prayer, nor the texts that HE gave.?

I will reveal a secret. I have a good memory, but I just can't seem to remember where the texts are. When we had the radio program Shammah, and we sometimes had guests in, whom I then interviewed, I was always deeply impressed, how they recited the texts from memory, with the place where you could find it.?

At one point during my personal prayer time, I cried out to HIM, why I could never do that!?!?

And I heard Him speak in my heart. "So that you remain completely dependent on Me, I Am the One who can speak through you, with the right texts at the right time."?

Power? Seeking power? Wanting power??

Eve was curious about the tree of knowledge in paradise.?

We know how that ended. They had to leave paradise.?

Why? It is written that she ate the apple. For me it remains an olive tree. Gethsemane is the Hebrew word for olive press.?

Eve ate the olive, and "consumed" the oil. The anointing!?

I do not need to know anything else, to know anything else than HIM, who created me and loves me. HE is THE KNOWLEDGE! He represents EVERYTHING! As long as I have Him in the first place in my heart, worship Him above everything and everyone, HE shares HIS knowledge with me. I do not have to do anything for it, pay nothing for it. And I share it for free. One may support with a donation, but I work/serve unpaid.?


There lies the answer to everything of every situation that HE has and holds in HIS hands.?

There is an end to the world as we know it. With a fervent heart and a deep longing, I await HIS coming.?

The fulfillment of a crying tired earth, HE Who loves us and Who will make everything right.?

Every knee will bow. Also, from the Muslim. I have searched both books in and through HIS Rucha Ha'Kodesh.?

I read in the book of the Christians, that Jesus rode a wild donkey to Jerusalem. Why is it now necessary that the reader is informed about this? Now, if you or I ride a wild, unridden donkey, (at least try to ride) then we will be thrown from its back. The humble servant (His anointed) as we can read in Tehillim 1 had authority and the donkey obeyed. Muslims are also called the people of the wild donkey. Their knees will also bow.?

Hear Oh, Israel our L-rd is ONE!?

1Why have nations gathered and [why do] kingdoms think vain things?

2Kings of a land stand up, and nobles take counsel together against the Lord and against His anointed? 3"Let us break their bands and cast off their cords from us." 4He Who dwells in Heaven laughs; the Lord mocks them .5Then He speaks to them in His wrath; and He frightens them with His sore displeasure. 6"But I have enthroned My king on Zion, My holy mount." 7I will tell of the decree; The Lord said to me, "You are My son; this day have I begotten you. 8Request of Me, and I will make nations your inheritance, and the ends of the earth your possession.

9You shall break them with an iron rod; like a potter's vessel you shall shatter them."10And now, [you] kings, be wise; be admonished, [you] judges of the earth.11Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with quaking. 12Arm yourselves with purity lest He become angry and you perish in the way, for in a moment His wrath will be kindled; the praises of all who take refuge in Him.

Can I Be Of Service?

??'?????????? Pnina ???????????? ?????????? ????rd ????Israel?

? ? ??????Prophetic Consultant???Coach???Contributing Writer???Lectures???Women Empowerment???Israel???Torah??Guest Lectures??Contributing Writer??Blogging ?Empowering Faith ? ? ????

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Zafar Ul Islam ??????Ιησο?? ???????? -

Internationalist Scholar: World Literatures & Biblical Theology. Disciple of Lord Yeshua. Mid-Level Management Executive-AAO, Finance Department UT J&K. GCAP: Accounts. Auditing. Finance. Management. ???????????????

9 个月

Praise the Lord God, thank you Yeshiva!


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