Can you have it all?
Darren Putt
Coaching Business Owners 1:1 to transform their health & lifestyle by building a lean, fit, strong body, by protecting their long-term health and optimising energy levels on a day-to-day basis.
If you’ve ever done one of the “Wheel of life” exercises they often divide life up into 8 areas or more.
For the purposes of this discussion, I’m going to simplify things and use just 3 - the Big Three - as far as I’m concerned:
- Business / Career / Finances
- Family / Relationships
- Health
We’re often told:
“You can’t excel in all areas”
“You have to choose”
“If you want to maximise your success in X, you have to sacrifice Y”
“You can’t have it all’ ”
I don’t subscribe to that way of thinking
It’s limiting, defeatist and creates an excuse: if we start telling ourselves the story that “we can’t” can be almost certain we won't…or we’ll play the martyr…
The other reason I don’t subscribe to this belief is that it creates conflict between those “Big Three” areas of life:
- Who wants conflict between your business and your family?
- Who wants conflict between your career and your health?
- Who wants conflict between your family and your personal health?
No-one wants any of these things - but I bet you’ve experienced them in some way - I know I have
Recently someone said to me: “I’ve had to choose between their (daughter’s) health and mine”?
And we weren’t talking about donating a kidney, we were talking about on a day-to-day basis
What I observe from people who think in this way (that it's not possible to excel in The Big Three at the same time) is that even if they are extraordinarily successful in any one of the 3, it creates constant conflict, resentment and guilt - about as far from happiness as we can get…
It’s time to think differently - it doesn’t have to be a binary choice
Instead, let's think about how one area supports and enhances the others rather than how one takes away from the others.
Let’s say you’re incredibly successful in business, but your health is a disaster area: how about starting with the belief that getting your health in order will make you even more successful?
Take a moment to consider which of “The Big Three” you’ve sacrificed in order to be more successful in the others…
How could you do things differently in the future?
What belief would you need to begin with?
Stop pressing the snooze button.??
Any “extra” sleep you get after your alarm is junk sleep and does you no good at all.? Added to that, you’re probably putting yourself under time pressure and needing to rush - not an ideal way to start your day.
When your alarm goes off, get up and begin your day.? If you’re struggling to get up, go to bed earlier!