Can you handle the TRUTH about why you cannot lose weight or keep weight loss off?
Dee Barker
CEO/Founder - BBI Inc: Created Patented AI +Visualization tech proven to drive engagement & retention in health and wellness programs; Microsoft for Start-Ups; Woman Owned/Operated, EY Entrepreneur Finalist
Americans alone will spend over $60 BILLION this year alone to try to lose weight. Yet, we are more overweight than ever before. WTF?!
When will we realize that exercise equipment, gym memberships, counting steps, get-thin-quick pills and all the other gimmicks do not make you thinner?
Let us get to the TRUTH about weight loss. Here are the facts:
· To lose weight and keep it off, you must change your eating! Keeping track of calories in and calories out is the only proven method of weight control. PERIOD!
· Exercise is not a weight loss program. Rather, it’s a health program. It improves the function of your body, quality of life, and your mental state. There are many other advantages, but weight loss is not at the top of the list.
· The hardest part is having a realistic goal and staying motivated. Most people only stay motivated for up to three weeks. Consumers have been fed so much misinformation about weight loss that they believe they’ll see an instant change and when they don’t, they quit trying. I've found that the key to motivation is visualization and data.
Let me explain what I mean by “calories in.” Your body needs a certain amount of energy (otherwise known as calories) to live. The scientific term is Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This number can be easily calculated on any smart device. Or, if you love doing math, here you go:
· For men: BMR = 10 x weight in (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – x age (years) +5.
· For women: BMR = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x (years) – 161
(Reach for your smartphone now and use the free calculator!)
Next, you need to understand how many calories you need for your exercise and activity (aka “calories out”). Consumers have a very unrealistic expectation of what they burn in a 30- or 60-minute exercise routine. Here is a fact: The average caloric expenditure for one hour of exercise is about 300 calories. That is equivalent to about two pieces of bread. Most people are hungrier after they exercise. So, it is easy to misjudge calories in vs out.
Finally, you need a data-based understanding of what a realistic weight loss journey looks like and what the key milestones are. For years I have helped thousands of individuals lose weight and keep it off through education and visualization. I have collected body change data for over 30 years so that we could offer a realistic view of how you can expect your body to change and look when you reach your weight loss goal.
I’ve created a FREE app called View2Lose that shows your weight loss journey and measurements at 6, 12 and 18 weeks. View2Lose keeps you motivated by offering a picture (via your smartphone) of the NEW YOU and gives you a factual understanding of what to expect. See what your weight loss journey looks like BEFORE it happens.
So, if your goal is to lose weight this year, it does not matter if you bought an expensive piece of equipment or subscribed to an app program. The key is to visualize your goal using View2Lose and remember calories in calories out. PERIOD!