Can You Handle the Truth?
One of the most powerful things you could ever do is to tell yourself the truth about the person you are, and the life you're living.
This will require a level of courage and self-honesty that not everyone is ready to do.
Once you admit this truth, then decide if this is "Good Enough" for you.
- Is your relationship good enough for you?
- Is your health good enough for you?
- Is your career success good enough for you?
- Is your leadership good enough for you?
- Are you a good enough version of your best?
Watch for any defensive thoughts that may show up to tell you" It's Ok," when everything inside of you says "It's not Ok", and "I'm better than this."
The level of inner peace you feel about yourself is what matters.
- How peaceful do you feel about the person you've become?
- How peaceful do you feel about the life you're living?
Rate your level of inner peace. That says it all.
Change is only possible when we are able to tell ourselves the truth.
You're the one who lives with the emotional fall-out or fulfillment. And the people around you either benefit, or catch the fall-out. That's also a difficult truth to examine.
Only you can decide if it's good enough, and only you need to believe it.