Can you go over your credit limit on a credit card?

Can you go over your credit limit on a credit card?

I don't get paid until next friday, and have had some unexpected expenses come up. I have like 5dollars on my credit card until I reach my credit limit. If I only make one purchase, will it allow me to go over my limit? I know its not a good idea, and it can hurt your credit, but as soon as I get paid, I plan on paying it off. I just didn't know if I was going to be able to. I don't want to look like an idiot if my credit card is declined. Thanks!

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO


Chances of getting approved for auto loan?

Auto cost $25000 (sticker price) Equifax credit score 631 Down payment $5000-$6000 Monthly income $3700 (gross) 3 years on the job $0 debt (No open accounts) 2 paid charge offs accounts 1 paid as agreed account

Auto loan for college students?

While working through high school i accomplished enough to purchase my own car. unfortunately, i was in a wreck. i was not at fault and the other driver did not have insurance. i am now without a car and desperately need one to get back and forth to school. i am a college student. i was curious about how auto loans work and how i would get one. i do have a qualified co-signer but i am not employed. My fiance works while i go to school. I am not looking for a huge loan, only around $1,500.00 enough to get me a cheap but reliable car. I will however have the loan paid off this February, when i receive my financial aid return. I cannot wait until then for a car because i am in the middle of classes now. I need to know how to get one? how they work? i have no credit (just turned 18 last month). and what do i have to do?"

What do i need to get a home loan?

i sold my home on a short sale 2yrs ago, got divorced, and do not know what my credit looks like. so what steps should i take to get a home loan?"

Pulled credit report double charged?

just pulled my credit report and about 2 years ago i was on the verge of bankruptcy but thankfully the economy turned just enough for me to try and take care of my debts. unfortunately, during this time i stop paying on the debts. they were taken to collection agents but i started to pay on them regularly and on time. But on my report i see there's a negative mark for the Original creditor and a identical negative mark for the collection agent. So i ask is this a mistake and can i get it fixed? If not when i pay off the debt will it be taken care of on both accounts?"

How should I handle this collection account with regards to my bankruptcy?

I filed bankruptcy last month and I just received a copy of the petition filed with the court. On it is a collection agency that I believe is handling one of my old account. My issue is that I had the original creditor (Premier Bankcard), collection agency that is listed on my credit report (Arrow Financial), the agency listed on my petition (Tate & Kirlin), and lastly I received a letter On behalf of Arrow"""

Payday loans?

Is there a LEGITIMATE payday loan website out there?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

What effect would a bankruptcy of the US government have on the Canadian dollar or Euro?

I believe that the US government is on the verge of bankruptcy, and that when/if this occurs, it will cause a collapse of the US dollar. My question is what effect this will have on other currencies such as the Canadian dollar or Euro. What is the safest currency to be in when/if this occurs?"

Question about bankruptcy?

If a corporation declares bankruptcy, does it affect the CEO's personal assets?"

How can I stop Payday loan people from draining my chkng acct?

I have one loan and will pay it back, but scared they gonna screw me over."

How to sell a car to a dealership when it is still being financed? I am not trading in. Just selling.?

I have a car that I am still paying for it through my monthly payment. Now I don't think I need the car anymore. Can I still sell the car to the dealership even though my car is not paid off yet? Can I give the dealership the title of the car? Do I have to pay off the loan before I can see it? HELP PLEASE.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Pre Algebra help! 7th grade! 10 points best answer! Help?!?

Thomas borrowed $4800 to buy a new car. He will be paying $96 each month for the next 60 months. Find the simple interest rate for his car loan. *Please show work with ALL steps! Thanks in advance! ;)

Does the 12 months start at the beginning of the calendar year or when you last get it? Also, say I got one within the last 12 months, and I forget when it was. If I try to acquire another credit report (within 12 month), will it let me know I already got one?"

How could I get out of my auto loan in the near future?

I'm currently financing a vehicle and I have a long road a head of me until it's completely paid off. The payments are fine, and I'm making them on time. I'm just curious as to what I could do if I ever wanted to get out of it early and get in to a different car one day. I have six years total until the car is completely paid. I was wondering if around the three year mark anything could be done to get me in to something else. Thanks in advance!"

"Is there a TRUE FREE website to get credit score? Not a site that is free"" after giving credit card number."""

Is there a TRUE FREE website to get credit score? Not a site that is free"" after giving credit card number."""

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How can i get a Auto loan?

I want to know if anyone has some good info on companys that Give auto loans. Im trying to get one but am not sure on how or where to go? any one who has knowlege or have done this please let me know?

House Title in separate name than Mortgage - Who gets house in foreclosure?

@Debdeb. Yes, a couple years ago, when I got divorced, I quit-claimed the house to my husband. I stayed on the loan, but not the title. He wasn't able to re-finance by himself, and it wasn't until a couple of years later, when *he* got remarried, that he "

Do you have to pay back anything to your creditors if you go bankrupt?

I live in aus and im thinking about bankruptcy. Because of my income i fall under the threshold amount for making contributions but I am confused as to whether or not I have to pay anything at all back to my creditors during my bankruptcy period? Any information would be fantastic.

Are there any TV commercials that really annoy you?

I think the Progressive insurance ads are annoying. I also used to HATE the free credit commercials that have since stopped airing (thank god).

Is it possible to get a discharge from Bankruptcy in Malaysia?

I know a Malaysian friend was declared a bankrupt by a finance company in the year 2005. A notice was also published in the Star newspaper. Now it is nearing 5 years. I heard the assignees office will automatically discharge a bankrupt after 5 years. How far is this true? Will my friend has to write to assigner office to remind them to discharge him? Please advice? Tq

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Is there such thing as an unlimited credit card?

My friend was bragging about having an unlimited credit card and I don't believe him because it goes against basic economics and he is not rich or anything. I just wanted to have some input from someone who knows about these things. So is there such a credit card that has no credit limit?

Can you go over your credit limit on a credit card?

I don't get paid until next friday, and have had some unexpected expenses come up. I have like 5dollars on my credit card until I reach my credit limit. If I only make one purchase, will it allow me to go over my limit? I know its not a good idea, and it can hurt your credit, but as soon as I get paid, I plan on paying it off. I just didn't know if I was going to be able to. I don't want to look like an idiot if my credit card is declined. Thanks!

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO

Installment Loan?

Hi, We're in the process of rebuilding our credit profile with a recent bankruptcy discharge of our debts. We need a $2000 - $3000 loan and cannot find options other than PayDay loans. We have a request out on, however, our state only allows a 7% interest rate and our request is not attracting bidders. Does anyone know of a financial institution willing to give us a chance? We have a $1000 surplus at the end of each month, so a loan payment is not a problem. Thanks. (We are only interested in doing business in the United States)"

Where can i get a credit report?

Where can i get a credit report for free? I heard that you get 1 free a year? Thanks?

I am looking for info about repairing credit?

Is there any books or websites out there that will help me figure out how to repair my credit? I don't have CC's I am paying all my bills on time.. I have stuff on there from when I was younger that I would like to get taken care off and raise my credit score.. Any help would be awesome

Leasing with bad credit..?

I have plenty of money to lease a an Audi, Acura, Honda Accord, etc. but my Credit score is awful because of a couple of foul ups. I have a beat up Honda Civic right now that needs to go. I really want to lease a new nice car for myself, but is this nearly impossible at this time with the economy the way it is and my credit score being so low? I read about people leasing an A4 in a range of $400-$420 a month. Would bad credit make a lease payment up to near $500?.. Thats out of my range now."

I want to Buy laptop in installments.....?

Only Contact INDIAN SELLER Or Any INDIA Website



Does anyone know of any prepaid debit card payday loans?

I know most lenders require a checking or savings account. I have a prepaid debit card with direct deposit.

I need help locating a good refinance company for my car?

I have a 2008 Jeep rate is note is 502.00 monthly my term is 72 mo. please help me! I appreciate all the info yo guys can give me.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Someone who knows about poor credit and car loans please help me!?

My husband and I went through some tough financial times last year. He has multiple sclerosis and we had a lot of medical bills not to mention he had to take off unpaid time from work while he was sick. He went back to work now and I am also working (after being off work for almost a year due to being layed off, I am a nurse). Anyways, we ended up having to file bankruptcy a year ago. We are trying to get back on track now. Our lease is up this week and we need a car to get to and from work. We were approved at one of those buy here pay here"" car lots for people with bad credit. The problem is"

What is going on with my credit score?

I already have a POS car and ten POS cars before that I've dumped thousands into to keep running. I make a decent wage and I'm tired of turning wrenches on my weekends and vacations. Everything on all three of my credit reports have been taken care of. I just don't and haven't ever had any credit cards.

Could someone please tell me how to improve my credit rating?

I have no idea where to start to repair my credit. They are always offering free credit reports but I am leary of that. Could someone please tell me where to start?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Does anyone know where I can get a FREE credit report on line?

Does anyone know where I can get a FREE credit report on line?


When a bankruptcy drops off of your credit report, how many points will it raise your credit score? What about judgements, and collections?"

Whats a reliable no/bad credit auto loan company?

I recently got a decent paying job and am in need of a decent used car. Everywhere i go they say i need a co-signer due to the fact i have low credit build up because im only 21. i do have a decent credit score howver, i have no one to co-sign for me. What is a reliable scam free auto financing company? THANKS!"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Do you recommend using LowerMyBills to make martgage companies battle for your refinance?

And, are you familiar with these lenders: Surepoint AMIC TJC HomeCourt Mortgage Quicken Loans"

Best way to get rid of $1000 credit card debt?

I owe $1000 credit card debt from when i was 18. I paid the card and cut it up but never cancelled it and over the years I had been getting fees and didn't know it until about a year ago. I don't have any other debt, no loans or anything. I rent my home and own my car. I am getting married very soon and I do not want my future spouse to have to deal with the debt or have anything bad happen to him. we don't make much money so paying it off is near to impossible. What is the best way to get rid of the debt? I don't know much about consolidation or bankruptcy."

What does the Swahili language sound like to foreigners?

I've always been interested to know. I'm Kenyan but have lived in America for pretty much my whole life. I was born in Kenya (in the capital city-Nairobi) and lived there till I was four years old, then moved to the states, and have lived here ever since. One of my friends who's half cuban and white who's been learning Japanese for a few years now told me when she hears me speaking Swahili, she said it sounds like Japanese. Which I think is funny, as in Swahili shares quite a good number of similarities with Arabic (loan words). In fact Swahili is arabic"". Although"

"I need a small personal loan of 800, where do I go?"

I went to my bank and as I'm only 19 they said no. I'm a full time student receiving income support, can anyone give me any names of places that will give me a loan? I know a lot of places have minimums for giving loans, I'd be willing to borrow a maximum of 1000. Thanks!"

Can you withdraw cash from a credit card?

its a capitalone platinum card

How do i make 1000 dollars in two days?

nothing illegal or evil i guess i won't get anymore answers after this remark hah hah come on people work your brains! I thought about ebaywhoever tells me the best answer that earns me the money i will give a 100 dollars too!

Credit Card cash advance how does it work?

I want to buy a four wheeler but the banks are closed. I have the money but I don't have the cash for the deal. I was wondering if I withdrawal money from my credit card is there interest or is that only if i don't pay for it by the end of the month?

What are the primary and co-borrower options on an auto loan (in Texas)?

My best friend (who is now my boyfriend) is in a conundrum of sorts. In his last relationship (in which he was engaged) they bought a car together. Her credit was not (and from what I understand is still not) good enough to get a new car financed without a terrible interest rate so he was the primary borrower (large income, great credit) and she became the co-borrower. Here we are about 1.5-2 years into the 6 year note (I believe) and she has been constantly late paying for her car. Right now it's about 3 months late (and has been that late before) which I believe is in repossession territory. What are his options? She wouldn't agree to have it financed in her name alone because the interest would make her payment sky-rocket. He won't pay it himself (even though he did in the past after they first broke up) for reasons I don't know. What I'm looking for are his rights"" and what action he can take. My suggestion is for him to pay for it"

Can you go over your credit limit on a credit card?

I don't get paid until next friday, and have had some unexpected expenses come up. I have like 5dollars on my credit card until I reach my credit limit. If I only make one purchase, will it allow me to go over my limit? I know its not a good idea, and it can hurt your credit, but as soon as I get paid, I plan on paying it off. I just didn't know if I was going to be able to. I don't want to look like an idiot if my credit card is declined. Thanks!

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this site where you can find all the solutions. INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO


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