Can You Get More of God?
Darla Colinet
Realism Artist who inspires and encourages people to see the beauty all around us in nature and people.
Several decades ago, yes, I’m revealing my age, there were several Christian songs that talked about wanting more of God. I struggled to sing them because I didn’t know how we could have part of God in us through Christ and part of Him out of us. That message didn’t match God’s word or Christ’s love and grace.
Many new believers or believers that have not studied God’s word to know his truth can be misled. The only way to determine God’s truth from a person misleading or twisting God’s truth is to test it against God’s word. Do the words you hear match what God says?
Questioning Nudges from the Holy Spirit are Good
Throughout my faith journey with Jesus, there have been many times when I have heard believers make statements that don’t sit right in my spirit. I thank Jesus for implanting the Holy Spirit in me at salvation to nudge my spirit that something is wrong. The Holy Spirit is our guide, intercessor, and empowerment, and he convicts us.
When you’re a disciple of Christ, do not discount the Holy Spirit’s convictions. He is the nudge, or your spiritual alarm. Stop and pay attention. Ask God to show you His truth. Be careful of the people or situation and ask God if you need to stop saying or doing something that does not follow the heart and character of Jesus. Jesus knew that we needed help on this earth while He was in heaven preparing a place for us. Jesus tells us.?
But when He, the (Holy) Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears (from God). (John 16:13, AMP)
We Have All of Jesus
In our imperfect human condition, we are always in a state of incompleteness. Our mind, spirit, soul, and body will continue to strive to know more and to do better until we rest in the arms of Jesus when our body dies. Even our faith journey on this earth is a continual walk with Jesus if we want to grow.?
These facts about our human condition can make it difficult for us to accept God’s truth. He has given us everything we need to live for Him when we were saved. We received Christ’s present of our salvation, but it is up to us to unwrap the present and to learn how to take care of it, grow in it, and thrive in every aspect of it. Let’s look at what the apostle Paul tells us.
Just think—you don’t need a thing, you’ve got it all! All God’s gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the finale. And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus. God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that. (1 Cor. 1:7-9, MSG)
Although God tells me in His word that I have everything I need and all of Him through salvation, it took me years of studying His word and growing my personal relationship with Jesus to believe God’s truth in my human condition. I have learned to proclaim God’s truth in the middle of my insecurity and doubts. God said he will never leave me or forsake me, and he will teach me. I choose to trust and walk with Him and experience all He has intended for my life. What will you choose?
Living in the Fullness of God
There is no doubt that living on this earth can be challenging and heartbreaking some days. Some days I can feel and live in the fullness of Jesus in me. Other days, I have to search for His promises and stand on them regardless of what I think, how we feel, what the circumstance looks like, or what others say.
On difficult days, I thank Jesus for showing me His extravagant love through His sacrifice and the promise of a happy perfect life with Him for all eternity. I take a few minutes and look back on the past thirty days to see how God has moved in my life or through the ones I love.
The enemy has tried to make me doubt my Christ identity and value, and he will continue until the day I die. His mission is to kill, steal, and destroy my faith in Christ Jesus, my Savior. I will not let him have one more day, hour, or second of my life through confusion, insecurity, or fear. I will live in God’s truth and the fullness of Christ in me. I will stand on the truth and live my life as if ALL of the spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me!
Ministry Coordinator Acts 1:8 Ministry
2 年I wanted to share with you, & maybe with your audience, through doing monthly PACK (Planned Acts of Christian Kindness) Outreach for 30 years, God has revealed Himself to me in very unforgettable ways. We started PACK at out church where we plan months in advance what we will do or give as our act of kindness; where & when we will do this event; & have our Connect Cards ready. PACK typically takes place at busy places in our community where we can love on many people for Jesus in about an hour of time. "Here is a FREE rose for you, have a blessed Mother's Day" would be one example, but always the Connect Card goes with. The card declares Jesus as the true source & the reason for our joy, peace & hope! In accepting nothing in return the recipients experience a little taste of what God's grace through Jesus is like as neither can be earned or bought at any price. On the back of the card is an invitation to come to worship/school/youth program.... where they can learn more. From everyday people that you would least expect, at a timing you just cannot believe, will come testimonies of a crisis they are right in the midst of, leaving you with absolutely no doubt of His divine presence. PACK is (no donations) at
2 年AMEN!