Karim Farag
Professor of Applied Physiology of Fruits at the Department of Horticulture, Faculy of Agriculture, Damanhour University
Under such heat spell in many regions around the world that has been resulting in many other stresses, we all try to do our best to avoid heat injury. There are many mechanisms and measures taken by plants to either avoid or tolerate such stresses. Turning on the natural air condition system by opening the stomata to increase evapotranspiration which reduces tissue temperature to become lower than air temperature, increasing the insulation of the apical meristem by fibers and leaf bases as occur with palm tree, increasing the reflection of sunlight through the enhanced biosynthesis of the surface waxes known as the epicuticular waxes, changing leaf orientation to reduce heat absorption or even reducing the rate of respiration, these are all preventive or avoidance mechanisms.
More unsaturated fatty acids are replacing saturated ones in the cellular membranes to maintain their fluidity since heat stress could result in hyper-fluidity, Moreover, more calcium ions are bound to the polar head groups of the membrane phospholipids to maintain its integrity.
You may also feel the non-aerobic respiration of some internal fruit tissues that could not get enough oxygen as the outer layers of tissues. If water is insufficient and salinity or osmotic stresses increased, osmotic adjustment is accomplished by pumping more non-protein amino acid and some sorbitol or mannitol in addition to retention of sodium away from the canopy.
Please, go and check your fan plug or axis and your air condition unit and try to avoid heat trapping into your house by covering the windows glass.