Can You Diagnose the Problem?
Clarity Precedes Action.
These wise words were shared with me by Matt Church, Founder of Thought Leaders Business School and leadership educator. And its so true isn't it?
It's hard to know how to fix a problem when you're not clear what it is that needs fixing. I see this in teams - there's lots of energy and effort being put in, but the results just don't reflect it and leaders are unsure where the issue is.
The thing is, once we can identify the problem, we can begin to address it more effectively. And from my experience working with leaders and teams around the world, the problem is often with accountability. And it's making and keeping them fragile.
That's why I developed a tool to help leaders diagnose problems they may be facing with accountability. I unpack it and take you through three steps to use it effectively in my recent blog here .
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the tool and how you find using it to diagnose your accountability challenges. But be ready - it may not tell you what you want you hear.
Because as N.E.R.D and Rhianna so wisely said, “The truth will set you free, but first it’ll piss you off.”