Can you create and/or solve Hill's cipher?

Can you create and/or solve Hill's cipher?

Lester S. Hill created the Hill's cipher, and which uses matrix manipulation. With this we have a matrix operator on the plaintext:

For example we take the matrix:

We thus use the first matrix (A) to encode two characters at a time, and then use the inverse of the matrix to decode.

Initially we take our characters from the plaintext in two letters at at time. For example for "hello" we have "he", "ll", and "o ". Next we look at our table (where a space is replaced with a #):

So for the message "hello", we take two characters at a time, such as "he" becomes [7,4], and multiply by the matrix given above:

We then do a (mod 27) on the result to get:

This will be a cipher of "#O"

So now try your own ... [here]:


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