Can you choose between public and private health insurance in Germany?
Choosing health insurance in Germany is not always straightforward. In this blog post, we will provide some insights that may help you make your decision.
Why does employment have such a significant impact on the choice of health insurance?
Employees need to earn a gross annual income of more than €69,300 (as of 2024) to qualify for private health insurance. Special payments, vacation and Christmas bonuses, bonuses, or benefits in kind such as company cars are also included in this income calculation.
If you are employed and earn less than €69,300 per year, you must be covered by statutory health insurance. German law is very strict on this point, with no exceptions. If you earn more than this threshold, you have the option to choose private health insurance.
Good to know: The obligation for statutory health insurance applies only to employees. If you are self-employed, you can choose private health insurance.
What are the advantages of statutory health insurance compared to private insurance?
If you can choose between both options, here are some reasons why statutory health insurance might be beneficial:
What are the advantages of private health insurance compared to statutory health insurance?
If you have the option to choose between the two systems, here are some reasons why private health insurance might be worthwhile:
If you would like more information, please feel free to schedule an appointment here. We can discuss everything together and determine what is best for you.