Can You Believe This
There was a time, if the government said something we took it as gospel. We listened to our leaders and gave them the responsibility of telling us the truth and doing the job; they shouldered the responsibility it with pride. Our leaders carried themselves with dignity and gave respect. Even when we did not agree with each other, we still had respect for each other. We wanted to hear what our leaders had to say and for the most part we believed them. The years seem to have brought on a change and now we often say “can you believe this”?
Many of us have lost faith in our leaders because they have abused the faith we placed in them. We have found them wanting in giving the public a full dose of the truth. They twist the story the way they would have it to be. We have reached a point in which the public is now demanding the truth, and not bed time stories. We are often given unbelievable stories and they force us to say “can you believe this”?
We read a story or watch a news report and wonder if the government is trying to fool us once again. Can you believe some of our leaders are trying to fool us for their advancement? Some of them seem to have fallen in love with an enemy country and now they are trying to force that country down our throat. Many have no respect for the public or for themselves. They will say anything and use any language. Can you believe many are proud as a peacock? And dumb as anyone you can find.
We believe the government is trying to fool us once again. Can you believe some of our leaders are trying to fool us for their advancement and put a dollar in their pocket? Some of them seem to have fallen in love with an enemy country; they have worked for that country sometimes hurting this nation, and now they are trying to force that country down our throat. There was a time in which our leaders took great pride in being a leader from America; the greatest country on earth, now they want the name only, their loyalty is with an enemy country. They want to tell us bedtime stories and get upset if we don’t believe them.
Whether you are a Dem, or GOP.; you cannot sell the country a bill of goods by placing your party above the good of the country. You may have tunnel vision, but your short sight will bring heart burn to you and the country. You catch more flies with honey then with vinegar. Name calling and playground language is not the answer to the problem. It would surely help if our leaders would do their homework. They would then be able to give us useful information and not fairy tales. They would not have to make up tales about attacks that did not take place and cause the country to be upset. Can you believe this?
We cannot teach people how to be nice at this level. We expect our leaders to have the good sense not to call other adults degrading names. I often wonder if you would be comfortable if a class was set up in school that used the language that is currently used by our leaders. These are just small pieces of equipment that is needed as we go through life. They have the future of the country in their hands and yet they tell us other than the truth, can you believe this? Once the goods of civility have been damaged it will be hard to resurface and smooth the hurt dignity, and feelings of others. We expect you to be an adult before you get the job. You need to be knowledgeable about the area you are going to work before you take the job. We do not have time to raise you after you get the job. These are full time jobs and we need adults ready on the first day; we need you Mr. Leader to do the job; can you believe this?
We are living in the real world. We need truth so we can function properly; not pipe dreams and fairy tales. Can you believe this?