Can you answer our call?
The John Lewis Contact Centres in Hamilton and Didsbury are the eyes and ears of the Partnership. More than just a Call Centre, these Omni-Channel Contact Centres deal with all incoming emails and chats as well, making these hubs vital to the delivery of the outstanding customer service John Lewis is known for!
The Partners in Hamilton and Didsbury aim to deliver a seamless service to any customer they deal with, be it re-organising a delivery time, offering product availability advice, or assisting a customer to understand their new purchase by having the products to hand in our in-house electronics display.
If you think you can offer exceptional customer service, and act as the face of John Lewis, we would love to see your application!
We currently have Full Time vacancies Didsbury and links to this role is below:
With highly competitive salaries, subsidised dining, a whole host of other benefits that come with being a Partner, this opportunity is too good to miss!