Can YOU Answer One Ruthless Question?
DrFred Rouse
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The demand for your attention gets stacked on top of your list at work and that glimmer of personal life we try to find in between.
It's maddening, right? It can also be paralyzing. What do you do? Where do you even start? How are you going to see yourself out of it?
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One, not 50 not 10, not even three. Just one.
What is the one thing I can work on or accomplish that will have the greatest impact on my goals today?
Steve jobs said back in 2012 prioritization sounds like such a simple thing, but true prioritization starts with an exceedingly difficult question to answer.
If you could only do one thing, what would it be?
Steve who had returned to Apple after being forced out for 12 years, returned the find the company had accumulated too many products and had too many projects and priorities. It was being crushed under the weight of its accumulated opportunities.
Probably how you might even feel right now.
So the first thing that Steve did upon returning what to figure out what products and projects were most important and valuable to Apple and then terminate the rest, terminating projects and opportunities, some that might even be profitable can feel brutal and ruthless in the moment, but like pruning a rosebush, it is necessary for the plant, for the organism, for the enterprise to flourish.
You might be killing one bud of opportunity, but it is necessary in order for the rest of the buds to flourish.
He understood the value of constantly questioning your priorities. Steve said: “?????? ???????? ???? ???????????????????? ?????????? ?????? ???????????????? ???? ??????????. ?????? ?????? ???? ???????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ????; ?????? ???????????? ???? ?????????????????????????? ?????? ??????????????????.”
Focused means ignoring it, putting it to the side, and often it's at a real cost and Jobs was remarkable at that. It takes so much effort and it's exhausting to sustain, but all the good things we've ever done have required that sort of focus.
So start your day to day with just one ruthless question.
If I could only do one thing today, what would it be?
Then do that one thing and only that one thing with single minded focus for three hours today, you can break it up into two 90 minute sessions, but give your one thing at least three hours today.
Remember, you might have to set aside other things that you care about, maybe even at a cost, but if you want to accomplish something important, something of consequence and not be crushed under the weight of your accumulated opportunities, prune your list ruthlessly.
Dr Fred “focused for retirement” Rouse, CFP
The REAL Money Doctor