Can you afford free?
There area number of taxpayer funded RTNs across our service area- seven to be exact. That comes down to 7 URLs, countless mount-points, 7 user names and 7 passwords and 7 ports to remember. It is enough information to fill a journal. not to mention keeping track of the maps with the station names on if you are using a single base solution, in Maine alone that is 19 stations from MESA in Sanford to MEFK in Ft. Kent.
There seems to be a fair bit of consolidation occurring in our customer base recently blurring the state lines and creating regional firms vs. state or local firms. How do you keep track of the RTNs for multiple crews working in two or three different states? I envision a bit of down time when a crew is sent to a new area to work - editing their network setting and credentials for the project location. All of these delays cost the company time and money, impacting the profitability of the project.
Leica SmartNet is a subscription based RTN Service with plans that will allow you to have one log-in across all of the Northeast. So that is one user name- one password and one mount point and port. Set it and forget it. This approach is more efficient, less stressful and more productive. SmartNet has filled in some of the spacing gaps left by the DOT's in some states. SmartNet is a turnkey solution for RTN and connectivity. To learn more about SmartNet and how you can benefit from it give Dan Blais a call at 800-322-5003.