Can You Afford Not to Coach?
LLC Academy
Innovative, integrated best-fit solutions for Skills Development, Enterprise & Supplier Development for your business.
Coaching should be an integral part of growing our team members for the current and future benefit of our businesses. We all would like a workforce that is highly skilled, highly competent, and highly capable. Coaching for growth is an excellent way to achieve this.?
“I would consider coaching to be a critical leadership skill,” says Maurice Lancaster, a senior member of Faculty at The LLC Academy. “This core leadership competency is about unlocking the potential of your workforce, harnessing their growth, provoking thinking, and increasing the levels of productivity and performance of your team.”?
“This is why The LLC Academy offers our Leader as Coach Programme,” says Maurice Lancaster. “This programme, one of many intended to develop leaders that are equipped to grow their own team into leaders that are capable of supporting the company’s greatest asset: its people.”?
“While a focus on bottom-line targets and results is critical, we know that your business objectives are best achieved through developing your people,” says Maurice Lancaster. “The Leader as Coach Programme will help you to unleash the performance potential of others, building on their talents, so that they can take the company forward into the future. You will also learn how to engage in formal coaching conversations, as well as how to use your newfound coaching skills in spontaneous, everyday coaching conversations.”?
“Unfortunately, the biggest challenge that often arises with truly effective coaching comes down to the issue of time,” says Maurice Lancaster. “People often tell me that they simply do not have the time to coach. Here’s the trick, though - it's not about finding time to coach. It's about developing coaching as a way of being.”??
“In other words, every interaction that you have with another person is a coaching opportunity,” says Maurice Lancaster. “This means that every engagement you have with your colleagues is an opportunity to promote growth, to provoke thinking, to increase levels of self-regulation, performance, and productivity.”?
“When you consider just how busy everything has become these days, with more and more demands on our time, it is easy to see why it feels like we do not have the time to coach,” says Maurice Lancaster. “But if you are to have a truly effective workforce, capable of taking your business to the next level, it is imperative to take the time to coach your team, to develop them into effective leaders themselves.”?
“Effective coaching can be time consuming, it’s true,” says Maurice Lancaster. “That said, the real question is this: can you afford not to coach? Can you afford to have a team that doesn’t feel capable, that is not equipped with the skills necessary to take your business to its peak performance capacity? Because I can guarantee that your competitors are coaching their teams.”?
The LLC Academy is accredited by the Services Seta, QCTO and our Gold Level SAQA aligned qualifications are approved and accredited by The Coaching and Mentoring Association of SA. Speak to our expert consultants about how we can help you with your skills development needs!?