1964 western democracy died: Can the west’s six fake mediators in chief turn a corner @ weekend Biarritz

1964 western democracy died: Can the west’s six fake mediators in chief turn a corner @ weekend Biarritz

Its obvious how western democracy broke down with the assassination of jfk; its clear that us politicians started playing hatred games with media rather than servant leadership of communities of people; its a bit less obvious why politicians in germany france italy and Uk also turned againast serving their peoples until you go back to adam smiths advantage of nations- the sustainabilitygoal promises the peoples of the wotrld wanted from the old world's 4 biggest democratic players were so different- the last thing they needed was an extra layer of top down bureaucrats standardising; go back to the promise jfk had become the last leader of - relaunch the western g6 from the rubble of war and as soon as the economies wer working again do the hard work of reconcliating evey way your nation used to colonise other nations people- ironically the uk had the most work to do in asia and africa and the least inside europe; actullay italy depserately needed to ally with uk because it depended on all med sea and south east europe nations developing win-win trades; frrace and germany having achieved goal 1 of the eu to make their iron and colal markets so interdependednt that tehy never war agained had diferent agendas- the frecj cpuld have helped the uk reconcile the futures of african people instead of demanding the comon agricultiral policy ; the germand were always most concerned on how to free eat germany; and here's the problem gemrnany has allied luxemourg belgioum, switezerland in agendas that have zsero to do with sustaining nations facing the med sea- it has maximised refugee croises at europes south eatsren birders; and its even thrown ukraine under the bus because by this time east geramny depended on chpeap russioan energy;

additionally a rotten curency game multiplied as all coure eu nations were forced to adopt the single euro would be designed so that every nation subsidised germany more and more- so the reasons why the eu stopped serving the peoples ar ecominsatiorial and diverese- the reasony why us comgress stopped loving families and youth are pretty simople if hugely inconveneint for politician of any party to start debating; rotten curreny games are always ponzi schemes in whuch youth has to pick up the tab fir every error elders made including the huge subprime error and the error of not watch how polulation bublles were chnaaging - today youth in europe subisdies pensions helath expensive property scams in capuital cities- there is no insitution whose policies so much hate youth that the eu in brussels

before we consuder aneruica nite boris big opportunity- it is one to one conversations with ploiticains who love italy frnac and germany most, then other nations spain portugal and and; each conversatiiob needs to be about- what would be our two countries greatest pot colonial end npoverty project if we worled tigether instead of the eu maximally punishing british people for wanting to be free to linkin hi-trust sme trade across the world- in italy boris needs to talk to whichever politrucal leaders agree with world record job creatirs romanoi prodi and pope francis; in france macron actually needs boris as much as boris needs macron (but off camera please, or why doesnt the queen invite macron to a state visit but boris meet him in private ) one of the things macron and bioris could talk aboiut is how to help everyone whose mother tongue is portugese - ie guterres portugal and brazil - thats likely the only way policy around the amazon or land ownership across the whole of latin american will ever be tirned round - read de soto but i am sure gutrres understands this if you ask hi privately- he is probaly the greatest serviant leader in power in the west today which is also why every conversation eu ploiticans needs to be having is abouyt sdg economic zones around the world not bu8lding hoigher trading walls within fortress europe

help design quiz on entrepreneurship (a french word)

true or false 90% of inventions that improved human lot were invented over decades by small teams - true- scaling is a different question but the core of human development starts with small groups of passionate people confronted by a life critical challenge

it is not democratic for national leaders to side with big corporations - obvious huh

americans are drowning in the same crisis that britain suffered in 1843 - most of congress depends on vested interest money so whatever trust does next they cant impeach him - stidy how japems wilson convinced queen victora that starving the irsh to death because english landowners had passed a law that corn shou;ld never be sold below a set proce even if that meant they burnt excess corn -

if you want to check out how wetsern demoicracy and valuation

Breaking news from Economistdiary.com --will boris blink:

brazil's president destroys man's climate- denmark refuses trump's goal to takeover greenland- climate's number 1 open space -join discussions on polar belt road at www.arcticuni.com and n-s belt road at www.economistamerica.com

The Economist asks will italy end the euro the second least sustainable paper currency on earth

japan must feel uncomfy - the only g7 representative of two thidrs of humans- asians and those who care most about development economics and sustainability goals

it is reported trump has delayed 4 billion dollar usaid cut to save face at weeknd - all part of the world's suoerpower being led by an outlier on human values and an impotent congress who has no legal way to stop the chosen one

abe needs to offer comfort women respct (even finance) but not other korean quarrels with agreement they

western media gets worse and wisre in covering what ordinary himans need to get back to building family true communitioes

help us report citizens queries of G7 - the least grounded most arrogant people on earth [email protected] www.worldclassnations.com

Inequality Urgent tour of Biarritz G7: links 1 2 =

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All the best to the peoples who gave the world the values of entrepreneurial revolution .My 8 happiest years of work as a diaspora scot were in Paris of the 1980s in partnership with MIT technologists in Boston so I would be delighted if french miracles happen but forewarned is forearmed [email protected] washington dc whatapp volunteer for NY Broadway's sister supercities in Asia +1 240 316 8157 Inclusion in G7 -  engagement groups: (Youth 7), (Women 7), (Civil7); (Labour 7); employers (Business 7); think Tanks (Think tanks 7); (Science 7); countries with big visions:

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Nonetheless, Macron's vision of himself will be tested this weekend in Biarritz like never before or again. Remember he was the leader who leapt beyond France's bipolar parties with 2 youthful questions- can we intrapreneurially reform so we are not the most expensive place in the world to appoint full time employees? can we at least in former french colonies empower sdgs. Having seen how Trudeau was slaughtered by trump at canada's G7 for engaging in not dissimilar priorities Macron has tried to introduce diversity with additional guest nations and multilateral institutions. As Einstein would say it would be crazy to think trump will let this happen - the weekend will be about what will france give trump, what will germany give trump what will the EU give trump and so on down the G7 line.

We can guess what will happen. Japan's abe will with extreme politeness indicate Japan has already hosted Trump individually the first to meet the new emperor, and clarified this nations busy diary of worldwide processes: next week its 31st year of listening to Africa TICAD, Japan will help the UN sdg summit where it has relevance insights such as Africa, its promises as part of its Emperor's new era to invite every kind of artistic youth to celebrate olympics and musicforsdgs and society5.0, it has announced the osaka track of how do nations share big data and it has the world leading ai investment partnerships, Japan will continue the G20 relay handover sandwiched between the future of saudi arabia and the history of argentina, japan looks forward to chile hosting at asean a lot of discussions the frail argentina economy could not at its G20, of course if trump wants to share next steps on north korea with abe this is heroically important but otherwise Japan has more than a full plate of commitments to honor 2019-2020.

And now we can start to see the true problem of the Biarritz weekend. Italy may not even have a leaders at the weekend, a post-merkel germany hasnt yet a clear idea of what it aims to do in the decade when human and machine intelligence leaps and probably feels at home with swiss ideas out of geneva and the world economic forum, Boris if he is smart will avoid substance but maximise bonomie through the weekend with the exception of Japan where there are lots of potential win-wins a Queendom could rebuild just as prince charles did at the tokyo olympics of 1964, so Trump is likely to laser in on the french who are after all spending the greatest nation's greatest man's expensive time. This is not the same greatness as JFK who with miniscule technology inspired a generation with the moon race and whose foreign policy was never happier than ich bin ein berliner. Even though Trump's family tree is German, dont expect of Trump any celebration of another places peoples.

Breaking- sad to hear italy appears without a leader 8/20 -italy's always brought a sense for good cheer (franciscan family and cultural development www.premiosciacca.it that france and germany alone cant mediate, thank goodness for japan increasingly the only nation willing to help other nations value what their youth and mothers of the nation need?.......... 5 july education - more talk after france G7 picks from EconomistDiary.com 28-30 Aug Ticad Japan & Africa; late sept UNGA sdg summit; november chile hosts apec

Inequality Urgent tour of Biarritz G7: links 1 2 --- y7 historic d6 World Bank Group (WBG) P, International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General Roberto Azevedo, International Labor Organization (ILO) Director-General Guy Ryder, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Secretary-General Angel Gurria and Financial Stability Board (FSB) Chairman Mark Carney .. dev-b E A1

AIdemocracy.com: is it too much to hope that the west's six g7 leaders could get ahead of the next tech decade- in 2009 they subprimed and depressed the 2010s a decade that needed to empower youth to create what elders never had the tech to imagine -reread pope francis report on eu at strasbourg ; it wasnt china that took western jobs it was the western g7 leaders

Economistrefugee.com in revenge for 9/11 they attacked the then innocent iraq starting a wave of failed states and hugely costly wars. Coming from 5 generations of immigrant diaspora scots, its not my place to ask whether the constitutions of these 6 big nations have any chance of serving what humans need if tech is to exponentially support sustainable communities and youth worldwide

COULD AMERICA BE BANKRUPT BY 2021 -references trilliondollaraudit.com unseenwealth worldclassbrands.tv

20 years late hundred plus ceos agree that those who only audit 90 days monetary extraction are leading the most unsustainable systems/markets ever -Kevin J. Wheeler President & Chief Executive Officer A. O. Smith Corporation Miles D. White Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Abbott Julie Sweet Chief Executive Officer Designate Accenture Carlos Rodriguez President and CEO ADP Mike Burke Chairman and CEO AECOM Andrés Gluski President and CEO The AES Corporation Daniel P. Amos Chairman and CEO Aflac Roger K. Newport Chief Executive Officer AK Steel Corporation Brent Saunders Chairman and CEO Allergan plc John O. Larsen Chairman, President & CEO Alliant Energy Lee Styslinger, III Chairman & CEO Altec, Inc. Jeffrey P. Bezos Founder and Chief Executive Officer Amazon Doug Parker Chairman & CEO American Airlines Nicholas K. Akins Chairman, President and CEO American Electric Power Stephen J. Squeri Chairman and CEO American Express James D. Taiclet Chairman, President and CEO American Tower Corporation James M. Cracchiolo Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Ameriprise Financial Gail Koziara Boudreaux President and CEO Anthem, Inc. Greg Case CEO Aon Tim Cook CEO Apple Eric Foss Chairman, President & CEO Aramark Alan B. Colberg President and CEO Assurant Randall Stephenson Chairman and Chief Executive Officer AT&T Inc. John A. Hayes Chairman, President and CEO Ball Corporation Brian Moynihan Chairman and CEO Bank of America José (Joe) E. Almeida Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Baxter International Inc. Philip Blake President Bayer USA Bayer USA Joe Davis Chairman, North America BCG Brendan P. Bechtel Chairman & CEO Bechtel Group, Inc. Corie Barry Chief Executive Officer Best Buy Co., Inc. Laurence D. Fink Chairman and Chief Executive Officer BlackRock, Inc. Charles W. Scharf Chairman & CEO BNY Mellon Dennis A. Muilenburg Chairman, President & CEO The Boeing Company Frédéric B. Lissalde President and Chief Executive Officer BorgWarner Inc. Robert Dudley Group CEO BP plc Giovanni Caforio Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Bristol-Myers Squibb Maurice R. Greenberg Chairman and CEO C.V. Starr & Co., Inc. Kewsong Lee Co-Chief Executive Officer The Carlyle Group D. James Umpleby III Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Caterpillar, Inc. Robert E. Sulentic President & CEO CBRE Group, Inc. W. Anthony Will President & Chief Executive Officer CF Industries Michael K. Wirth Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Chevron Corporation Evan G. Greenberg Chairman & CEO Chubb David M. Cordani President and Chief Executive Officer Cigna Chuck Robbins Chairman and CEO Cisco Systems, Inc. Michael L. Corbat Chief Executive Officer Citigroup, Inc. Hubertus M. Mu?hlha?user Chief Executive Officer CNH Industrial James Quincey Chairman and Chief Executive Officer The Coca-Cola Company Brian Humphries Chief Executive Officer Cognizant Brian L. Roberts Chairman & CEO Comcast Corporation Ryan M. Lance Chairman & CEO ConocoPhillips Company Wendell P. Weeks Chairman, Chief Executive Officer & President Corning Incorporated Tom Linebarger Chairman and CEO Cummins Inc. Larry Merlo President & CEO CVS Health Hal Yoh Chair and CEO Day & Zimmermann Michael S. Dell Chairman and CEO Dell Technologies Punit Renjen Global CEO Deloitte Jim Fitterling Chief Executive Officer Dow Lynn Good Chairman, President & CEO Duke Energy JM Lawrie Chairman, President, and CEO DXC Technology Mark J. Costa Chairman and CEO Eastman Chemical Company Craig Arnold Chairman and CEO EATON Pedro J. Pizarro President & CEO Edison International Darren W. Woods Chairman and CEO Exxon Mobil Corporation Carmine Di Sibio Global Chairman & CEO EY Frederick W. Smith Chairman & CEO FedEx Corporation Gary Norcross Chairman, President & CEO FIS Revathi Advaithi Chief Executive Officer Flex Carlos M. Hernandez Chief Executive Officer Fluor Corporation James P. Hackett President and CEO Ford Motor Company Lachlan K. Murdoch Executive Chairman & CEO Fox Corporation Richard C. Adkerson Vice Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Freeport-McMoRan Inc. Phebe Novakovic Chairman and CEO General Dynamics Corporation Mary Barra Chairman & CEO General Motors Company David M. Solomon Chairman and Chief Executive Officer The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Deanna M. Mulligan President and CEO Guardian Life Insurance Company of America Gerald W. Evans CEO Hanesbrands Inc. Dinesh C. Paliwal President and Chief Executive Officer HARMAN International Steven R. Swartz President and CEO HEARST Corporation Craig Menear Chairman, CEO and President The Home Depot Darius Adamczyk Chairman and CEO Honeywell Mike Petters President and Chief Executive Officer Huntington Ingalls Industries Ginni Rometty Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer IBM Corporation Charles Phillips Chief Executive Officer Infor Mark S. Sutton Chairman and CEO International Paper Co. Michael I. Roth Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Interpublic Group Linda H. Apsey President & CEO ITC Holdings Corp. Steve Demetriou Chair and CEO Jacobs Samuel R. Allen Chairman and CEO John Deere Alex Gorsky Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Johnson & Johnson George R. Oliver Chairman and CEO Johnson Controls Jamie Dimon Chairman and CEO JPMorgan Chase & Co. Beth E. Mooney Chairman & CEO KeyCorp Bruce E. Grewcock CEO and Chairman of the Board Kiewit Corporation Lynne M. Doughtie Chairman and CEO KPMG LLP William M. Brown Chairman & Chief Executive Officer L3Harris Technologies, Inc. Beth E. Ford President and CEO Land O'Lakes, Inc. Roger A. Krone Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Leidos Stuart Miller Executive Chairman Lennar Corporation Marillyn A. Hewson Chairman, President and CEO Lockheed Martin Corporation Bhavesh V. (Bob) Patel Chief Executive Officer LyondellBasell Industries Jeff Gennette Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Macy’s, Inc. Mark Trudeau President and CEO Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Lee M. Tillman Chairman, President and CEO Marathon Oil Corporation Gary R. Heminger Chairman and CEO Marathon Petroleum Corporation Arne M. Sorenson President and Chief Executive Officer Marriott International, Inc. Roger W. Crandall Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer MassMutual Ajay Banga President & CEO Mastercard Lawrence E. Kurzius Chairman, President and CEO McCormick and Company, Inc. Brian Tyler Chief Executive Officer McKesson Corporation Omar Ishrak Chairman & CEO Medtronic plc Michel Khalaf President & Chief Executive Officer MetLife Sanjay Mehrotra President & CEO Micron Technology Ken Moelis Chairman & CEO Moelis & Company James P. Gorman Chairman & CEO Morgan Stanley Greg Brown Chairman & CEO Motorola Solutions Adena T. Friedman President and CEO Nasdaq Thomas C. Nelson Chairman, President & CEO National Gypsum Company Ted Mathas Chairman, President and CEO New York Life Insurance Co. David L. Stover Chairman and CEO Noble Energy, Inc. Kathy Warden Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President Northrop Grumman Corporation Steve Fisher President & CEO Novelis Mauricio Gutierrez President & CEO NRG Energy, Inc. Safra Catz CEO Oracle Brian Chambers President and Chief Executive Officer Owens Corning Ramon Laguarta Chairman and CEO PepsiCo Dr. Albert Bourla Chief Executive Officer Pfizer Inc. Greg C. Garland Chairman and CEO Phillips 66 Marc B. Lautenbach President and Chief Executive Officer Pitney Bowes Daniel J. Houston Chairman, President and CEO Principal David S. Taylor Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer The Procter & Gamble Company Tricia Griffith President & CEO Progressive Corporation Bob Moritz Chairman PwC Steve Mollenkopf Chief Executive Officer Qualcomm Incorporated Earl C. Austin, Jr. President and Chief Executive Officer Quanta Services Thomas A. Kennedy Chairman & CEO Raytheon Company Blake D. Moret Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Rockwell Automation Douglas L. Peterson President and CEO S&P Global Keith Block Co-CEO Salesforce Bill McDermott Chief Executive Officer SAP Jim Goodnight CEO SAS Institute Tamara L. Lundgren President and Chief Executive Officer Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc. Jeffrey W. Martin Chairman & CEO Sempra Energy Lisa Davis CEO Siemens Corporation USA Egon Durban Silver Lake Thomas A. Fanning Chairman, President and CEO Southern Company James M. Loree President & Chief Executive Officer Stanley Black & Decker James P. Keane President and CEO Steelcase Inc. Kevin Lobo Chairman & CEO Stryker John F. Fish Chairman & CEO Suffolk Brian Cornell Chairman & CEO Target Russell K. Girling President and Chief Executive Officer TC Energy LeRoy T. Carlson, Jr. CEO Telephone & Data Systems, Inc. Richard K. Templeton Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Texas Instruments Incorporated Rob Speyer President & CEO Tishman Speyer Alan D. Schnitzer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer The Travelers Companies Inc. M. Troy Woods Chairman, President & CEO TSYS Peter J. Davoren President & CEO Turner Construction Co. Lance M. Fritz Chairman, President & CEO Union Pacific Oscar Munoz Chief Executive Officer United Airlines Gregory J. Hayes Chairman & CEO United Technologies Corporation David Abney Chairman and Chief Executive Officer UPS Stuart Parker CEO USAA Mortimer J. Buckley Chairman & CEO Vanguard Scott G. Stephenson Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Verisk Analytics Alfred F. Kelly, Jr. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Visa Inc. Robert F. Smith Founder, Chairman and CEO Vista Equity Partners Curt Morgan President & CEO Vistra Energy Stefano Pessina Executive Vice Chairman and CEO Walgreens Boots Alliance Doug McMillon President and CEO Walmart, Inc. John J. Engel Chairman, President and CEO WESCO International, Inc. John F. Barrett Chairman, President & CEO Western & Southern Financial Group Hikmet Ersek Chief Executive Officer Western Union Marc Bitzer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Whirlpool Corporation Abidali Z. Neemuchwala CEO & Managing Director Wipro Limited Michael J. Kasbar Chairman, President and CEO World Fuel Services Corporation Jim Kavanaugh CEO World Wide Technology John Visentin Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Xerox Corporation Patrick Decker President and CEO Xylem Inc. Anders Gustafsson Chief Executive Officer Zebra Technologies Corporation Michael Roman Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer 3M

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onomist of 1962

we started mapping a new world - death of cost of distance as main trading cost: our valuation hypothesis of entrepreneurial revolution then and now Your government cant make you place great if it has missed out on any of the first 100 AI dialogues between 1962- and 1/21/2121.

To be clear we refer to AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the most general sense of how do human use teach to advance the human lot> However because of moore's law (100 times more per decade- thats a trillion times more tech in 2030 than needed to race to the moon in 1969) there was a deadline for when machines had so much most statistical power and so much data existed that if the world's united nations hadn't share AI of sustainability goals for every community by the 2020s the chances of wherever the next child is born being a thriving community maximsiing her chances of a good life would exponentially collapse. Whether the end of the world sustaining 10 billion people starting with millennial generation was because of designing systems out of time with nature or so unequal that lost hope would cause no community to be safe from madmen or for other reasons like science accidentally releasing an unstoppable plague or robots deciding they didnt need humans- it really doesnt matter which end species scenario comes first as they are all ijterconnecetd to not understanding tech.

100 innovation conversations of AI sounds a lot. The fact is there are less than 20 general ai conversations- our first in 1962 what if every svhool child and teacher had a japanese pocket calculatir instead of a slide ruler or abacus; our second what dreams will people everywhere assume are now misison possible if moon landing hapens by 1969, our thord what chnages to every dynamic of society and trade will happen if moores alumni do provide 100 times more silicon chip capacity every decade - but they multiply by different geographical divides that need different priority tech solutions if we are to converge on a world where man's greatest risk is discrepancies in incomes and expectaions of rich and poor nations. See footnote be.low the library of documenyts frac's G& is sharing

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futureofbbc.com however i will say that the bbc has absolutely abandoned its charter as owned by the people not to be interfered with by political parties bipolar madness; if it had - there was a terrible lack of smart citizen information before the brexit vote, and indeed before every way british parliament has been caught out be being locked up in old people's historic worries instead of valuing youth's next G opportunities- mediators, educators, doctors and bankers could not have done a less sustainable job out of the emerald isles.

knowing the founding fathers of the EU as we do, they would be very unhappy- they would probably advise boris to go over to dublin and ask if westemonster can move its parliament there

they might also advise price charles to convene a meeting with japan and china- lets present be\lt road as a schools curriculum - which nations need bridging because the british empire separated the; it is not just eurasia that need 21st c trade maps for all- the america from south to north is an appaling mess caused ultimately by a 1915 us law that american ships have to be used to shop anything between american ports- americans division of its state borders in such a way that railways are never invested in is also a main reason why american will lose more and more jobs- these are self inflicted wound caused by a congress that does not mediate the conversations sustainable communities needed it to prioritise

an arctic circle belt riad where usa and russians actially speak to each other will likely be the ultimate arbitrator of climate -its amazing how little our [polit8ucians have stidied geographical maps- would it be that difficult to design an omline quiz for them to take before hosting any foreign affairs committee meetings

I dont really expect anything entrepreneurial to come out of the weekend other than more messes the un will need to resolve before its 75th anniversary by which time stock markets will be extremepy [problematic- if you have a more opyimistic post to include in this article please mail it [email protected]

on a positive note i am confident supercity leaders can innovate with smart youth what national leaders cannot - map how why here

I have dreamed over 40 years of one global university of poverty - where benchmark solutions are open sourced - we dont hundred different professors of how each marlet can end poverty- we need one web to benchmark first- we can make this happened as a tribute to tyhe first 50 years of bangladesh the nation born poorest bjut where heroic village women have mediated what the west's 5 most powerful men and one women couldnt even imagine needing communally to assist -wit special thanks to friends from hong kong who have become the first to help bangladesh's university of sdgs


if you have ever asked yourself how did humans get to thee moon with so little tech in 1960s an done so relatively little since- you are asking the right question. There are lots of misunderstandings about data and goals

If like jfk you put a few thousand brains on one action goal pretty much anything is achievable- but recent american presidents have been free to do so- instead they inherit half a million staff pad to quarrel and a congress that could not be designed to less fit for ai analysis of anything - although the eu in brussels is almost equally unfit

conversely tere is a fantatic opportunity if country leaders who have previously not ta;ked to each oether sit down and listen to the sorts of ai apps they want - the wporld's larest nation need drine models and ways of monitoring borders; its a pity taht by failining to apply ai to what we could never have doen before we are missing every chance to connect win-win trades and celebrates diversity at bodrers- natures laws are bottim up and interact dieversity- igtf man designs tech around an opposite globalsiation of top down and extermalising at borders - man will go the way of the dodo

I have studied marketing data for 45 years now- i can tell you that western companies that use tv advertising havent got better at innovating what humans need- they have only got bigger and more and more costly

This is also why western inter companies wityh advertising busienss models certainly werent helping their non digital clients

another misunderstanding is big data isnt always good - deeply structured connected data is what is needed




Documents from ministerial meetings

Interior Ministers meeting (4 and 5 April 2019, Paris)

Outcome document - Combating the smuggling of migrants and human trafficking networks (05/04/2019)

Outcome document - Combating the use of the internet for terrorist and violent extremist purposes (05/04/2019)

Outcome document - Managing foreign terrorist fighters and their families(05/04/2019)

Outcome document - Fighting environmental crime (05/04/2019)

Foreign Ministers meeting (5 and 6 April 2019, Dinard - Saint-Malo)

G7 Foreign Ministers' statement on the situation in the west of Libya(05/04/2019)

Dinard Declaration on the cyber norm initiative (05/04/2019)

Dinard Declaration on women, peace and security (05/04/2019)

Dinard Declaration on the partnership for a comprehensive and sustainable strategy to combat illicit trafficking in the Sahel region (06/04/2019)

Communiqué - Foreign Ministers meeting (06/04/2019)

Environment Ministers meeting (5 and 6 May 2019, Metz)

Press pack (05/05/2019)

Communiqué - G7 Environment Ministers meeting (06/05/2019)

Metz Charter on Biodiversity (06/05/2019)

Declaration on “International Leaders for Biodiversity” Initiative (06/05/2019)

Declaration on halting deforestation including through sustainable supply chains for agricultural commodities (06/05/2019)

Declaration of intention of support for G.R.E.A.T. (06/05/2019)

Concrete initiatives - Outcome document (06/05/2019)

WWF France and AXA recommendations for the members of the G7 Environment meeting (06/05/2019)

Gender Equality Ministers meeting (9 and 10 May, Paris)

Press pack (07/05/2019)

Press release (10/05/2019)

G7 Ministers Declaration on Gender Equality (10/05/2019)

Digital Ministers meeting (15 May 2019, Paris)

Press pack (15/05/2019)

Health Ministers meeting (16 and 17 May 2019, Paris)

Press release (16/05/2019)

G7 Health Ministers' Declaration (17/05/2019)

Labour Ministers meeting - G7 Social (6 and 7 June, Paris)

Press kit (04/06/2019)

G7 Social Communiqué (07/06/2019)

G7 Social Tripartite Declaration (07/06/2019)

G7 Responses to Tackle the Digital Skills Gap (07/06/2019)

Education and Development Ministers meeting (4 and 5 July 2019, Paris)

Joint Paris G7-G5 Sahel Communiqué (04/07/2019)

G7 Financing for Sustainable Development Declaration (04/07/2019)

G7 Takling Fragilities and Preventing Crises in Developing Countries Declaration (04/07/2019)

“Gender at the Center" Initiative (05/07/2019)

G7 Commitment Charter on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) cooperation with developing countries (05/07/2019)

G7 Framework on decent job creation for rural youth in the Sahel(05/07/2019

G7 Ministerial Communiqué (05/07/2019)

G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting (17 and 18 July 2019, Chantilly)

Press pack - Working for a fairer capitalism (17/07/2019)

Agenda (17/07/2019)

Press release - Launch of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation report - G7 Partnership for Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion in Africa (18/07/2019)


Documents from working groups

Food security working group

G7 Framework on decent job creation for rural youth in the Sahel

Nuclear Safety and Security Working Group (NSSG)

NSSG Key messages on nuclear safety and security to the G7 Leaders 

NSSG final report

Non-Proliferation Directors’ Group 

G7 Statement on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament


G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council

Recommendations for advancing Gender Equality and the empowerment of girls and women (20/08/2019)

N.B.Report prepared independently by the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council. This report is not a government document of endorsed recommendations.

Call to action (20/08/2019)

The city of Biarritz

Press pack


Seventy-third United Nations General Assembly - Speech by President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron (New York, 25/09/2018)

Speech delivered by M. Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, to the diplomatic community (Biarritz, 18/12/2018)


Geographically our task from 1962 was to start mapping a world where every next gorl or born had a good chance at life because every communi9tgy coulod thrive. That needed hugely diverse development priorities. Back in the 1960s the truth is that while some people had the etch to race to the mo0o0n the majority of all people did not have access to electricity grids. Media in the 6 western g8 nations america canada uk frabce gerany italy probaly did not tell you such fugures as:

two thirds of our5 specie are asian

beceuase of the way mercantile empired developed mainly these western nations trapped most peoples on continetal asia in poverty. Trade was designed for what the irch natiosnd wanted- almost zero infrastructiure was built across thye whole south asian contient. Qite frankly this was mainly the british falult. IT got worse by 1860 Briatin was demanding china accept opium as a curecy to trade for chian's mosuch wanted spices and silks and pottery. Chinese mainland (over fift of hunabity) prefreed to close itselfr to world trade for 110 years than to become opium addicts.

when you look at ai conversation at the very elast it is best to integarte 4 viewpoints which we call NEWS - where the west coast of usa accelerated around moo0res silicn valleys, north linked into boston when moon landing coding was done, where microcomputers were fisrt scaled, where bill gates had the idea for being the person to cone the world of persoanl computer networking even if he mopved the epicentre of that multiplier to seattle. Boston has always been linked to engineering coding. The far east japan has always raced on with pure engineering advances- you neede to speak engliksh to develop global software languages so japan was already staring its first 10 yera ai plan in 1981, and it was a japanese client whose order for chips was so l'arge that godrodn mo0res iytel developed thye programable chip in the mid 1960s so as not to be over=depemdednt on one customer. As we say the south's view of this was how will huiman help us leapfrog with technolgy - for example in 1996 bangaldesh most vilage women saw a mobile phone at vthe same time that they first saw any electricity (solar) or any phone. I(t happens humans in greatest need innovate thye most extraordinary things e can all benefit from unjderstanding if a parienht tech parter lets them. If you want to go to and sdg univestiry of how to use all the etch you start in eg bangladesh not any of the richest wetsren universities


