Can we use it with our niece?
Q: Can we use it with our niece?
A: Yes. It can be used by everyone but before you show it to her, you need to have a sense of how Kinephonics can benefit you, then you’ll be able to show it to her.
There are a couple of questions that you need to ask yourself: ‘What would you use it for? ...and why?’ I'm not being rude when I ask these questions. What I am trying to ascertain is what you think Kinephonics would be good for … in your own context. The chances are that your niece has a very similar context where she can use it.
You have heard about it and you may have experimented with it already but you are still unsure about it because you may not have used it enough to know what it does.
Try it. This is the most common suggestion I give to people like you. Download the app and sign-in as a free user.
[Or you can start your own Kinephonics Study Room at so that you can create your own set of files to share with your niece. You'll need to create a GET STARTED #pronouncer file and a #translator file to achieve the tasks below.]
- Just like a newsreader, click into GET STARTED #pronouncer. You will be in the record space. Start by recording a series of three short videos of you reading the subtitles that you have entered into the text box. [Use the video camera icon on the bottom right. Press once to start and press again to stop] Repeat this process 3X.
- How does your reading change between the first and the last video?
- Are you pronouncing the words differently?
- Do you need to change any of the words?
[FYI There is no rush to be able to use the technology perfectly. You are learning too! I am happy to answer any of your questions. It may be a tech issue so given that we are still developing the technology, your questions and suggestions benefit us as well.]
- Again, use the GET STARTED #pronouncer. Type in your subtitles and this time change the accent of the voice [bottom left drop down]. Listen to the subtitles by pressing the red K-button, practise saying them and record another three videos of you reading the subtitles.
- How does your accent change between the first and the last video?
- Did you get better?
- Change to a #translator template and change the language of the subtitles. Click into the text box and listen to the subtitles by pressing the red K-button. Practise saying them and then record a series of three videos of you reading the new language subtitles.
- How did you go?
- Did you get better at speaking the new language?
- Did you make any progress?
- Was it funny?
- Do you want to try again?
- What do you like about Kinephonics?
- What could it help you with?
- And what would you show your niece? I suspect that you might like to start by showing her how much you have improved in your speaking by going to the review zone and looking at your videos. I hope you are proud of yourself! If you are proud of yourself, she will want to be proud of herself as well and that is the best way of sharing in the Kinephonics experience.
- You can now offer to give her a go.
- Watch her as she works out how to make her video clips better… Discussion to be continued!!!