Can we stop the "Disruption" BS now!
Do not believe the deadlines.

Can we stop the "Disruption" BS now!

We talk a lot about the death of Nokia, Blockbusters, Kodak, and Borders but then we don't really have any examples after that.

Considering tech was going to eat everyone it's not been hungry for the last 15 years!

Even a huge threat like Airbnb has had almost no impact on Hotels, or even GumTree.

Amazon and Whole Foods haven’t disrupted the grocery business.

Has SLACK really killed email?

Disruption hasn't really been very disruptive.

Below was the promise ... can we say it lived up to the hype?

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Still amazes me that Clayton's theory was a perfect way to explain the business changes of the hardware era 100 years ago but never came close to explaining any single large success story of the last 20 years.

None of them came about by a better cost structure/ supply side.

They just came about by making better products or services or using a smarter business model, partly by using new tech, but mainly by challenging the assumptions that held back those with more knowledge and deeper commitments or were too large to change quickly.

They were generally just dealing with the demand-side changes.

Streamed TV isn't cheaper to make, Netflix was just better because it was better, not because it was using tech to make TV cheaper to make.

At some point, the game changed from "disrupt this industry and become a top player" to "disrupt this industry until we get a big enough payday from the top players".

BTW - Nokia is alive and well and is a $28bn business (about half of what it used to be in 2010).

It's just that their mobile devices division has gone under, and was later revived by a different company (HMD Global) now selling mobile phones under the same name.

BTW to thank you for the kind and overwhelming Birthday Messages for my 40th ( he laughs uncontrollably) here are the 40 lessons that have been the most DISRUPTIVE for good change in my life.

I’m not going to be the most successful person on the planet, nor do I want to be. I just want to be the most successful version of myself while working the least hard possible.

Here is a invaluable lesson from 48 years on this rock!

1. Be cringe. Trying isn’t cringe. Cringe isn’t trying

2. Pick the heart emoji for a warm iMessage; skip the thumbs up.

3. Being on someone's IG close friends doesn't mean you are close friends

4. The fastest way to get out of your crappy town is by building an audience

5. Build an email list yesterday.

6. Don’t be the last one at the party, you've got a big day tomorrow

7. Come to dinner prepared with stories

8. Start "no-complaints" day, shift perspectives - try and run a streak on this.

Listen more than talk - The?most?basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to?listen?to them.

9. Use your favorites on the contact screen and call those people 1x+ per week (also, call your family or anyone you have known longer then 5 years)

10. Show up to meetings with small gifts (the ROI is insane)

11. Build your own BS detector. Most of what you read is BS - see above

12. Connect tribes is the best way to build a business

13. Don’t be transactional with friends, be giving -

14. Keep a learning list, make learning your “side-hustle”

15. Use colored pens, enhance note-taking

16. Create themed playlists, curate moods

17. Listen to happy music often

18. Create your personal "quote collection," stay inspired

19. Don’t forget about day 1 friends. They’ve known you from the start

20. But don’t keep friends around for the sake of it. Friends help other friends grow - and move on if needed to help them grow

21. Craft personal mission statement, guide decisions

22. Throw dinner parties and invite the most interesting people you can find

23. Chasing generational wealth is overrated. Wealth is underrated.

The measure of wealth is freedom.

24. There is no legacy, everyone will forget you, can you remember a family member from 4 generations back, and that's only 4 generations?

If people in this population meet and breed at random, it turns out that you only need to go back an average of?20 generations?before you find an individual who is a common ancestor of everyone in the population.

24. Give friends lifts, pick them up from the airport - thank you Nick Gray

25. On the subject of Nick, use name tags but learn something memorable about each person and introduce people with that interesting detail -

Maya Angelou — 'At the end of the day?people?won't?remember?what?you?said or did,?they?will?remember?how?you made?them?feel.'

26. Amplify your weird, celebrate your uniqueness - there is only one YOU>

27. Send friends songs you think they’ll like - and Tv shows- and Films and Books. Thank you @Samar

28. Offer people a drink before you pour yourself one. People appreciate that.

29. When you’re out with people, put your phone on airplane mode

You don't know when it will be the last time you see someone, act accordingly

30. Seek discomfort daily, grow exponentially monthly

31. You’re never too late. Tim Ferris wasn't the first to start a blog, Joe Rogan wasn't the first to start a podcast. It's not too late.

32. When it comes to business, look for leverage. Leverage is?the ability to do more with less. It's the ability to create something that can be scaled up over time and generate increasing returns.

There are 4 leverage indicators: The 4 C's

Capital ( human) - labour -

Hire smart people.

Get them to give their time to your cause.

Big things are done together. See: Pyramids.

Capital (other people's money)_

Cash allows us to grow faster than what would be supported by a business's cash flow.

And in many cases, allows ideas that require scale to work, possible.

See Angel money, fishes, venture capital - permanent capital.

Code is just a machine's labor that you pay for once.

and you can charge for it forever.

It's leverage because it has virtually no incremental cost of use/production.

See: Softwares

Content (other people's attention)

Capture people's attention through media.

More attention = more leverage.

One podcast can be heard by 1 person or 1M people for the same cost.

But you can charge for it every time. That's leverage.

See: Joe Rogan Podcast selling for $100M.

33. Avoid prescription drugs, it’s a slippery slope-

34. Zig when others zag. The coolest products/communities are built to feel different

35. When reading articles or books, take photos of important passages or quotes with your phone for easy reference later. Add to folder. Print it out

36. Send postcards to friends and family when you travel

37. Say I appreciate you, instead of, "It’s appreciated"

38. Want to get to know someone better, quickly? Take them to a bunch of places in a really short amount of time. Grab coffee, walk for dessert, go to a really cool museum. Be memorable. Keep them on their toes. 1.5 hour meeting just felt like 3 x 1.5h meetings - thank you @Niel Strauss for this one

39. Listen to pump-up songs before important meetings or events. Get in the zone - motion creates emotion

40. Tone of voice is the secret key to convincing people. Language is what we say, tone is how we say it. Study the greats and see how they do it. Then mimic them.

Pablo Picasso (“good artists copy; great artists steal”)

41. The reality is life is a single-player game. You’re born alone. You’re going to die alone. All of your interpretations are alone. All your memories are alone. You’re gone in three generations and nobody cares. Before you showed up, nobody cared. It’s all single-player.

42. Have fun - nobody gets out of life alive.

43. Embrace the magic and savor every moment, its all magic, every moment alive.

What is the alternative?

44. Spend more time making the big decisions. There are basically three really big decisions you make in your early life: where you live, who you’re with, and what you’re doing!

45. The first rule of handling conflict is don't hang around with people who are constantly engaging in conflict

46. For things to change, your environment must change!

47. If you want to be wealthy, spend your time earning, learning, or relaxing. Outsource or ignore everything else.

48. The perfect business is - Unique expensive sticky air with a good manager and process!

unique as in no one else can sell it

expensive means big margins

sticky means habit forming

air means cheap to make

So getting air for a penny and selling it for a dollar


Caleb Parker

CEO at Brave Corp | Maximizing Office Asset Values | Repositioning Office Real Estate | Award-Winning Podcast Host | Subscribe to my newsletter/podcast at the link below????

1 年

Epic advice dude! I’m glad we got to celebrate your birthday together!

Caleb Parker

CEO at Brave Corp | Maximizing Office Asset Values | Repositioning Office Real Estate | Award-Winning Podcast Host | Subscribe to my newsletter/podcast at the link below????

1 年

Perhaps the incumbents are still alive, but I’d suggest some of these TechCos ate market share.

Nick Gray

Founder of Museum Hack and Best-Selling Author

1 年

thanks for the shoutout, Jason!


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