Can we heal naturally our dis-ease ?

Can we heal naturally our dis-ease ?

Did you ever allow yourself to think that any health condition you are currently experiencing is the result of resistance – resistance to be your true authentic self, resistance to express yourself fully?

I don’t mean defending yourself that would be the Ego way I mean just being yourself and not caring what others are thinking of you, how they are perceiving you, not needing to fit into the society or your family box.

The majority of people still think the old way that most of the conditions, autoimmune conditions are genetic. This is not true it has been proven by science that only 2% of diseases are genetic which is a very small percentage the rest of dis-eases are simply our resistance to accepting ourselves fully- if you want your messy part and your beautiful part.

Because you are both messy and beautiful ??. It is our resistance to What Is, our resistance to accepting our connection to our spirit that creates dis-ease in our body, and our resistance to change the way we think about who we are.

Because the truth is we are not liner beings how we have been taught to believe that we are and there is no God outside of you to save you or to punish you. It is all YOU.

No one can live your life for you, not your husband, not your parents, not your kids, not your friends. It is your life, you are Spirit in human form experiencing this life and you are here to express your unique perspective.

?If you are not if you let your Ego physical mind be the leader instead of your Higher self then as feedback and reflection of what you put out you get back you get dis-ease in other words not at ease with yourself. This is all that there is about any dis-ease.

I have healed three autoimmune conditions naturally. I have been discharged from many hospitals at the beginning because I was simply refusing to take drugs like everyone else I knew intuitively that I could heal naturally. Took me 10 years to figure it out but it doesn’t need to take that long. It is not about diet, it is not about supplements, it is not about herbs, it is not about acupuncturists and healers. All of this can help you to keep your head above the water to survive like it helped me until I figured it out.

What I found for myself and also for people I work with it is about aligning your Ego physical mind with your higher self with your spirit. Unless you align both parts of you, you will not be a whole person and you will never feel worthy.

If you don’t feel worthy you will not be able to heal because some part of you believes that there is benefit in being sick and doesn’t want to let go. It is your Ego physical mind mistakenly perceives that is keeps you safe and usually it goes to beliefs you adopt about yourself and the world from your childhood.

It all goes back to childhood and as an adult you simply keep continuity with your past, simply staying in a loophole, going around in circles, and probably not even realizing it.

So to be able to stop that continuity you need to understand who you are, how worthy and powerful you are and you need to CHOOSE YOU above everything and everyone.

This is a big struggle for people to put themselves first because they have a false belief that it is egoistic which is paradoxically an absolute lie.

Now think about it -? if you are not going to set your boundaries not defensively but with joy and appreciation for yourself and you will not prioritize your self-care what will happen :

You will get more dis-ease and not be at ease because you are not who you are, you are trying to be everyone else and then resenting it so just building more negative emotions and more dis-ease .

Now when you get so sick that you can’t walk, sleep, eat maybe even see those who you always put first are not going to tell you “ I love you so much that I want to take all dis-ease and be sick instead of you” No one will tell you that!


Because we came here as individual Soul, to have individual experiences not to live our lives for someone else or to expect someone to live their life for us so we can be fulfilled and happy because it simply doesn’t work this way it is not in alignment with the structure of existence itself!

Understand that every dis-ease that you have is here to teach you something and you are not allowing it to teach you something, you go and take more drugs, see more doctors. I’m not devaluating seeing doctors or acupuncturists or herbalists or whoever you are seeing, but you are becoming dependent on them because they can’t heal you unless you do they can’t align for you, your soul with your ego physical mind, they can’t let go for you, they can’t stop the continuity of your past believes for you. It is your job to look at your shadows. Without a shadow, there would be no light.

You wouldn’t be able to see beautiful stars without darkness. So you can’t? see the light that you are if you are not looking at the dark side of yourself ??

The purpose of why you came here is to be who you are and balance your physical ego mind with your soul or your higher self or whatever you call it. That’s your job to balance your ego so your ego is the follower and not the leader. When your ego leads that’s when your body experiences dis-ease because your ego is not who you are.

The ego is positive, it is not negative it’s purpose to keep you focused in physical reality so it is not about getting rid of the ego because you never will be without the ego you wouldn’t be able to experience physical reality without the ego.

Your job is to balance your ego and allow your higher self to be the leader than all your dis-ease will transform into ease and you will heal, this is how simple it is. It is not difficult, but it is complex due to our physical ego structure which includes:

Our beliefs

Our emotions

Our thoughts

These three must be in harmony with your spirit so that you will never again experience dis-ease!

If you are not going to allow to express your true spirit, your true authentic self because it is your purpose you will slowly die, your spirit will die, and when your spirit dies body can’t exist without your spirit that what gives energy to your body, not your ego physical mind.

Every pain you experience brings you a message about what you need to learn, and what you need to let go of.

Are you listening?

Or simply ignoring it by taking more drugs or seeing another herbalist hoping that this one will finally heal you?

See it doesn't work this way and it can’t

To heal is to break continuity with your past

How do you break continuity with your past?

You need to become a new person

How do you become a new person?

You need to look at your shadow parts and into your beliefs. What you believe is true for you to experience the reality you experience and then you need to embody new beliefs that are true to your spirit's core vibration.

This requires courage because you will need to let go of some people from your life even your family members still loving them unconditionally but choosing YOURSELF. Because you will understand that you are on your path and they are on theirs and you simply allow them to be who they wish to be while also allowing yourself to be who you are even if they can’t accept a NEW YOU.

This is how you break continuity with your past. It is not about repeating affirmations it is about acting like those affirmations that you repeat.

Your beliefs, emotions, and thoughts must be in alignment with your soul ??

You need to have a good understanding of the relationship you have with moods- they are the main driver of your dis-ease.

You need to have a good understanding of your relationship with different aspects of your Being.

You need to have a good understanding of your relationship with reality and what is real and what is an illusion projection of your ego mind.

That’s where you need to start. Once you get that everything else is easy. As I said before it is not complicated it is simple but complex because everyone has different beliefs that block them from expressing their true authentic self.

I studied metaphysics and ontologies, neuroscience, and when I understood my relationship to my moods, to different aspects of my being, and to different layers of reality in that moment I realized how worthy I am. I broke continuity with the past persona I used to be and I healed.

I understood that everything I was experiencing was a reflection of my state of being and it was my job to shift my state of being and move to reality that I prefer.

By healing autoimmune conditions I also healed all my relationships and my career that’s the ripple effect that you get.

So if you are experiencing an autoimmune condition or any dis-ease?ask yourself what do I believe to be true for me to experience this reality?

If you feel that you need help book a free call and we can have a friendly chat.



