Can we find peace in stormy times like these?
The time we are living in is a time of uncertainty - a time when people generally seem to advocate for one cause, their own.? Yet, when our community is faced with unremedied chaos, with no trusted outcome in sight, somehow, we find each other; and we discover that we do not have to face life’s devastations alone.
The Los Angles fires are a perfect example.? The Palisades and Eaton fires caused the residents to suffer unbelievable hardship and losses. 1. Over 13,000 homes and businesses were destroyed. 2. The damage is estimated to be between $28 and $250 billion.? Yet, the tragic sensation of hopelessness is being pushed aside by this community, which has made up its mind not to scatter.? They are standing together, receiving help from the outside and helping each other.? First Responders, who lost everything to the flames, remained on the fire-line, endeavoring to save the homes of others.? Neighbors, whose homes were spared, are sacrificing all that they have, to help others.? Go Fund Me posts are covering social media and funds, from all over America, even the world have poured in, with hope that someone’s anguish might be at least a little abated.
My question to you, Linkedin Family, America and World, is, do we continue to wait for some kind of tragedy to overtake us, to show love to one another, to act like we care, to be willing to sacrifice our personal assets for someone else’s need; and to offer tranquility in the midst of chaos? Would not this whole world be a different place if all our advocacy stretched beyond our personal space?