Can we continue to fake and still make it?!
Kirsty Dignam
Midwife Mother Healer Mystic Wise woman Facilitating Change. Delivering Potential.
Or are we ready to call bullshit on the beliefs that make us small.
To acknowledge the truth of our situation and form this more intuitive integrity rebuild a foundation for the future.
Can we witness the discomfort of our own "pain points" or will they continue to create an often outdated unrealistic bypassing reality.
One that not only lacks self awareness but the sovereignty of any management we claim to offer.
Who does this really leave us in service to.
Find out why it is time to wise up in this week's newsletter.
“Trapped in a continuum of your own making. Awareness is the key that unlocks your opportunity for change.”
Truth Devour
Doesn’t it just!
Sometimes I feel consumed by my own honesty.
How I long to find reason, excuses even to remain “stuck or rather small!”
Spiritually bypassing so I can continue to do the things I have always done!
Avoiding the potential and healing I claim to seek.
Pointing externally to outside conditionings.
Cause and effect.
But there’s a deeper truth that devours me.
An innate knowing of who I am that calls me out.
Reminding me for every blaming extended finger there are three directed back.
That true empowerment comes from sovereignty which can only be born in the realms of self-awareness and management.
Authentic acceptance of what is happening from within.
Through the ability to listen and “here” the divine messengers, available to us all.
“You need to listen to your body because it is listening to you.”
Phillip C McGraw
Not our ears as we may naively believe.
Beyond the emotions that entice us to find resolution
Through even the many insights of the heart.
To the root of it.
Pun intended!
Our ability to remain grounded within, not only the present moment, but the very translator of any trauma we may subsequently feel, as we remember the pain of leaving this connection.
Our bodies.
The Feminine.
The great mother or creator of the Earth beneath us.
My own this morning felt trapped in this truth.
Energy in motion stagnant.
Crippling my creativity.
I began to recognise a familiar sensation.
The imposter.
Founded on the feelings of perfection.
Those around me, inherited, all a reflection of how I saw myself.
“Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”
Albert Einstein
Blinded by bullshit beliefs regarding what a healer looks like.
My tired aching body received the reprimand of not being worthy of such titles.
After all, how can a successful energy “worker” struggle with their own.
Where were my flowing robes and softly spoken riddled verses, born from karmic lifetimes of having my shit together?!
Dare I even consider supporting others whilst in this transitional turmoil.
Who did I think I was, recording videos into a collective energy ?I couldn’t control!
How could I provide answers in uncertainty!
Discuss abundance minus millions in the bank.
Consider even, sharing without a mass following!
For all intense and purposes, I was a phony.
No wonder I hadn’t had the success that was determined necessary to be of worthwhile assistance.
It was here of course, with the support of my own connection and ability to hold space.
I realised where the pain was coming from.
So multifaceted.
Yet so simple to ease.
“Vulnerability is not weakness. And that myth is profoundly dangerous. Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection and the path to the feeling of worthiness. If it doesn’t feel vulnerable the sharing is probably not constructive”
Brene Brown
By making one conscious choice.
To remain in my body.
Feel everything rising.
Take ownership of what was “mine”.
The doubt I will ever fully heal my auto immune diseases.
The compassion to give myself what is needed.
The knowing my spine is evolving, changing as the kundalini rises from Pachamama beneath me to shift and adjust anything that restricts this.
Familial genetics.
Vibrations carried.
Discomfort and aptitude to witness this, and the impact of grief, inviting me into a place I offer so many.
A sacred (not scarred or scared) space.
To be heard as I am.
In the power of presence.
Aware of the cellular stories but not defined by them.
Directed by my own divinity to find the answers within.
Not in the fear-based approach of avoidance.
Habituated responses.
But the wisdom of physicality.
The human, embodied, experience.
Allowing perceptions to shift
It was only in being with this certainty, earlier, I received the even greater vision needed.
“Where we are is vital to who we are.”
Eric Weiner
My own spirituality.
Delivered through the ability to witness it within, not divided, from the life it creates.
Transcendence of every moment.
Through me and onto the path I continue to walk.
Minus any separations.
Be it with my own essence or the collective.
Rather than dogmatic dependence so often portrayed I received a more founded omnipresent observation.
Of myself and as such others around me as a result.
In expanding.
The legitimacy of holding space.
Giving room for all to be expressed.
Beyond restricted individualised ideas and narratives, my own included.
Empowering me to take the transformational truth I once avoided or wanted to change and offer instead from its medicine.
Deeper experiential learnings that support creativity to truly flow in a way, often far greater than imagined.
Including my own healing as I began to encompass what this has always meant for me.
“True power comes from standing in your own truth and walking your own path.”
Elizabeth Gilbert
Regardless of the modalities used.
Quotes to express it.
Fashionable facades and tasteful trends.
Instructions to suit where we may find ourselves alongside lucrative “pain points!”
Healing is truth.
The return to a balance and harmony that can only be found by being in ourselves fully.
No matter how uncomfortable.
It isn’t about making things better.
Removing aspects of who we are.
Handing over stories for others to reflect upon their own interpretation, project or worse try to change them (and paying for the privilege!)
It’s about being seen.
Where you are.
By yourself.
In the vision of someone with self-awareness.
Your higher, inner wild or salka.
Never more so in times when we feel blinded and amnesic to this grace within our own humanity.
Healing is a dedication to the divine- within us all.
Not the ideals of what this may look like to others, what sells, the finished outcome or goal driven derivatives.
But the ongoing journey towards and within it.
From the tea we make for five minutes peace.
To the ceremony we initiate as a rite of passage.
It is life!
The experience of the soul that initiates a more collaborative rather than disempowering relationship with our creator.
In and through our physical potential.
Our bodies.
That sense ongoing growth.
Sometimes painful.
So passionately intense we can be tempted to over-analyse.
Insist on further qualifications.
Doubt and run from the wisdom of our inherent natures.
Free ourselves through disassociation.
But in its acceptance, healing is also love.
Beauty and so much more….
“The human body is first and foremost a mirror to the Soul and its greatest beauty comes from that.”
Auguste Rodin
Alongside of course long-term results!
That are only available from this intuitive integrity.
There are NO quick fixes.
NO one size fits all!
No price package or discount that will make it or us any more worthy of who we have always been!
Because we are NOT broken.
We all create, love, birth, connect, see even, differently, based on our own cognizance.
The ease with which we do so all depends on how aligned we are to our unique capacity and potential.
In this expansive emotional maturity not only do we receive a greater sense of spirituality for the creative force of life it is.
Increasing our compassion and empathy, from the structure of our own soul senses.
But it is here, we can acknowledge the energy work, love, connection wisdom(whatever you want to call it) for the innate, super- natural ability that runs through us all.
Recognising authentically the very expectations we continue to build, ourselves and any visions we choose to consciously create, upon.
Potentially re-designing a more inner- worth of humanity that will heal the world, starting with ourselves!
May we all remember we can not change that which we do not see.
As of February, I am back to offering my services part time.
Both distantly and in specific incidences in person.
If you are ready to deliver your own potential feel free to send me a message.
In deepest munay