Can we apply Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning in an Indian election?
a) Segmenting the constituency:
Suppose I am standing from Kanpur constituency for the Lok sabha general election.
For me my main segments include:
Decision makers:All citizens of India who are eligible voters having valid voter ID card with name in the voter list.
Influencers:All others not falling in Decision makers. Example kids below 18 can also influence their parents to vote for me if they think I am a good candidate. Need to target them as well
Decision makers/Influencers can be segmented based on below:
1. Geographic Segmentation: I would divide my audience in various groups which focuses on specific regions. For example different wards may include, Parade, Afeem kothi, Govind Nagar etc. Different regions inside Kanpur will have different biases for each political party. Also focusing regions first help me target and position myself as per the problems of that particular wards or areas. Some areas like Ratan lal nagar and Ravatpur have very bad infrastructure including roads and electricity issues. People in Parade might be facing issues with robbery since it’s one of the posh areas while doesn’t have road and electricity issues.
2. Age-Based Segmentation: Once I am done with the geographic segmentation, I would focus on age-based segments. Age-based segmentation focuses on customers or voters of a particular age. I would like to segment my voters among the age group as per below:
1. Age 18-35 (Comprise 60% of the population in India. This audience is generally susceptible to new ideas. Willing to experiment. Take chances. These are what I call internet generation. I have to focus on different mediums of communication for them which might include Facebook, twitter, emails etc.)
2. Age 35-60 (This audience will come with some biases and prejudices for a particular political party. They will be less susceptible to change in voting behavior and trying new candidates. I would need different communication mediums to reach out to them like newspaper, TV ads, radio, rallies etc.)
3. Age 60+ (This audience will come with strong biases for a political party. Home visits, rallies, TV ads etc. might help influence them.)
3. Segmentation based on voting habits: Once I am done with geographic and age based segmentation, next step is to identify based on past history as to which wards have maximum voter turnout and which have the lowest. Generally you see areas where high income grade people live have lower voter turnout as compared to areas where people are from low or middle income grades (Looks like they are more worried!). I would like focus more on wards which have higher voter turnout then the wards with lowest turnouts as per the past history.
4. Belief and Values: Refers to Religious, caste, political, nationalistic and cultural beliefs and values. This would also help me when I am drafting my positioning message.
Not to over complicate things. So my segments look more like below:
- Person living in developed wards, Age 18-35, belong to areas of high voter turnout and has similar beliefs and values as per my political party.
- Person living in developed wards, Age 18-35, belong to areas of very low voter turnout and has similar beliefs and values as per my political party.
- Person living in developed wards, Age 18-35, belong to areas of very low voter turnout and has different beliefs and values as per my political party.
- Person living in developed wards, Age 18-35, belong to areas of high voter turnout and has different beliefs and values as per my political party.
- Person living in undeveloped wards, Age 35-60, belong to areas of high voter turnout and has similar beliefs and values as per my political party.
- ……. and so on…
b) Out of all the segments identified, I want to target below segments with the marketing plans for each:
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8 年So, preparation for 2019 Lok Sabha elections from Kanpur seat started.