Can we allow Judges decide on the BREXIT debate or not.
After many weeks of undecided rhetoric about what we voted to do and why and how can we stop it. What are we doing asking Judges to decide our fate. What do they know of what we were voting for? The vote went the way it went, we are only asking the persons that are negotiating not to sell us down the river but get a deal arranged or not as the case might be. Do we need another referendum to agree what we want as regards to how and what we need once we have left? Other's have gone before us but not as vocal as us and this is the problem. As per usual we are being miss informed as to all of the above and it looks like we will never truly know what deals are being struck on our behalf BUT we do demand to know.
What will come out of the woodwork next I wonder......Keep looking and seaking and we might actually know but I doubt it...
Keep smiling, I am.