Can U2 help compile 50 most human good & AI turning points up to 2025?

Can U2 help compile 50 most human good & AI turning points up to 2025?

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In 2016 a UN HQ meeting declared the sdgs are impossible without UN2.0 and U2 (uniting human beings2.0). Strangely when NY-2016 asked geneva'ITU its digital twin from pre-birth, it turned out GoodAi clues had been birthed a decade earlier: FFL: The greatest serial leaps in AI this century and arguably ever started in 2006. That's when feminine imaginations first started training AI with as much stimulus as a baby's mind gets, soon much "moore". Many multipliers suddenly started reinforcing each others feed-forward loops. For example QC computers are orders of magnitude faster. Overnight you can present a computer brain with not just 4 years of infant stimuli but many lifetimes worth. Of course there's a lot of neuroscience wizardry needed to get this right (and just as there are people who cant cope with programing a baby, I for one would not want to encounter computer minds trained by Putin or indeed many superpowerful people. As far as friends and I can see, there is only one way out - we (U2 all 8 billion) ordinary beings need to race to unite good as well celebrate millennials cooperation mapping of first sustainability generation. Team Guterres have been setting the pace to be exponentially uspaced from summer 2023 on - see sdgmetaverseprize and GFutureF alumni webs

. Oddly Neumann's last gift to Yale was on this topic but almost got forgotten as its only recent "singularity" computer hardware not only exceeds switching capacity of brain but also can cooperate with abundant clones and beam data up and down from every gps. With my father I have been privileged to explore turning points in ai and media over 73 years. Half time in dad's studiesd came in early 1980s when we authored the first 2025 report. We wanted to map out an alternative future to orwellian big brother scaremongers - and anyone I link into still does. See ED EL & EG .

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1951 was when father first met Von Neumann soon after they had both served in world war 2. Ai for peace was a big concern - especially as the 2 world wars had started in parts of central europe where communications leaps had advantaged some places at expense of neigbors. March EDiary breaking - can you help UN leap forward Water Humans AI March 2023? -Is it still possible to celebrate US AI policy for coming metaverse : gravitating world kindness? related Decolonial AI &

Who's turning point gives you hope IF we exit age of trump, covid, and fake media blah...this was theme of our 73rd survey begun 1951 with Von Neumann and a young Economist journalist- one lady is a proverbial moon race ahead in life's known world (pls say if you know of any other - [email protected])

ED: 2025 report - in addition to grandad's (Sir Ken Kemp) centenary mediation with Gandhi, 2025 would have been my father Norman's centenary would have been his 73rd conceived by Von Neumann

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WHAT GOODS CAN HUMANS UNITE with 100* Mo(o)re Tech/decade ?? ..

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,, conducting Humans & Artificial Intel survey with von Neumann published in The Economist for 40 years (dad had been seconded to NY&Princeton from London St James for year of 1951, ED )

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What would be generational/exponential consequences of Maths GOATS (Greatests of All Time). If tech of 1945-1865 rooted 2 world wars, what would millennials fate be 2025=1956?

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TP= moment in future history when a global selection was made between 2 or more conflicting alternatives, and never openly revisited (why not as keynes warned in his last chapter of general theory _ lawyers dont like revisiting numbers laws they have written into constitutions nor do other top down professions nor do the biggest powers who operated the game rules-

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whence we all other peoples majority intel risks being left out -if you read scottish moral sentimens school eg smith, wilson (founder the economist, royal gissip sheet encouraging 20 something queen victoria to change from slave empire to common wealth), french entrepreneurial school JB Say, transformational English designers of public service Bagehot, Gandhi, Keynes, Goats of maths who founder AI eg Einstein,

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VERY ENGLISH MUDDLE - while bbc was Q2 of 20rh C investment by the peoples (licence tax to broadcast-intel audiences) gov took it over -temporary war-time bargain became permanent- this turning point ended real democracy of open society (-world service tele era to 1990. Compare UK tv origin all public good; usa all private advertisers (us supreme court ruling us newscasters no legal responsibility regarding truth)

V Neumann -they all correspond to Entrepreneurship being study of how extreme innovation platforms can triangularise what biggest public-private partnerships cannot). In 25th year of Von Neumann The Economist published this xmas day ER 1776 - next Capitalism, 3rd cetury of American and Queens English seeking to advance human lot of every next child born)

Escaping extinction: A few game rules.

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Don't ever let a Hard-Powerprofessor teach you global anything without seeing what maps you are all gravitating around. Fortunately 6000 web3 educators ( NY HQ) see :

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no student need ever again be taught how to trade with other peoples without virtual reality visiting their local futureoflife

and recursion has only just come to how we educate computers

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- gosh wish you were here steve J to celebrate 40th year of computing upfront and personal...thanks 8 billion for hosting the millennials dinner brainstorming of why women leading AI was likely the only way to celebrate first sustainability generation

My father Norman regarded his job in allied bomber command Burma the last productive Empire ever got up to but surviving it left google maps of coastline in his head from what had been Empire's population centre of conflict. It gave him a sceond life insight into the human race that orwell's burmese days and 1984 pessimism had not enjoyed

Burma the least productive Having survived being teenage navigator allied bomber command Burma, My father Norman met von neumann in 1951 and was asked whether the economist would like the scoop- what goods can peoples unite where fortunate enough to be first to experiment with 100 times more tech per decade? Because of this where an innovation is open and livelihood educational I am biased towards accepting it where other innovations I need more demonstration to learn why their overall purpose advances the human lot Additionally sometimes an innovation may seem low tech bit is designed to include masses who have been left out who can now catch up. For over 40 years my father published anything relevant to con neumann's quest in The Economist. As the 1980s were dad's last decade of delivering weeklu editorials before an active retirement friends, and I start co-authoring solutions with him in a future history genre called 2025 report, first published as a n opposite endgame to Orwell's big Brother 1984 , When my father became terminally ill with cancer 2 groups of network increasingly took on what I alone dont hvbe the intel to catalogue- adam smith scholars in Glasgow, and Japanese development economic agencies particularly those concerned with women empowerment of supercity infrasructuresd for which my father recieved the japanese emperors main economic award - irder of rising sun gold bars. While neumann was alive dad and he began mapping 4 first corridors :

1 swiss and neiborhood from 1865 also where goats of maths neumann, einsten .. were schooled

when goats of maths emigrated to princeton - 2 neumann effectively mapped a north east corridor new york UN , open sourcing hardware to ibm, software and debates on morphing if human and artificial intel to yale and MIT Boston

and 3 a south and west corridor from princeton involving government and which has caused neumann to remark - our energy projects will make scientists both the most hated and wanted of peoples; and one day our intel tech will compound even greater opportunities and threats

4 The Ai corrodor around stanford's valley later called silicon valley largely due to gordon moore's promise that electronic engineers will advance 100 times more chop capacity per decade; this also connected UN birth as concept san francisco opera house 1945 and the reality : Asian Americans exceptional mathematically. I do not mean this racially any more than noting Einstein Goats were mainly jewish bred. Its to do with family or even clan-like cultures which I note diaspora scots (my united race so to speak) value. My advise to any young heart is check out your family tree- what's magical human in it? (artistic, scientific , historically extraordinary, just goodwill common sense). Don't expect standarised education to promote it- you need to

In 1962 my father was delighted that his war-time enemy japan had started a coastal belt multi-win trading corridor down Asia's far east coast - kennedy seconded the good news that this corridor might link all pacific rising models (70% of humans) as well as multiplying win-win learning between asia's east and america's west. Corridors 6 and 7 to come.

Which is better something with 70 year learning curve or 7 years? Answer : need to blend both - firward with new, deep connection with past. I find maps can do that.. The newer may give most dramatic advances for you to enteepreneur now; the older is worth double checking that any communities you care about knows how to compound its deepest data impacts. NB exceptions- critical insights at a time - were they integrated into future change or forgotten? For example:

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pebny post first popularised out of UK is peculiarly social. it charges same payment if transported next door or to the most remote place in the nation. While this was democratic, it might have odd future consequences. eg what if rivals hollowed out the profitable parts of post

2 Swiss corridor begins in 1865 - telegrams were the first ever international industry to depend on cooperation across borders as there is no value to more than one standard to communicate. Switzerland was agreed to linkin all tele member corporations(later standards telephone radio telex television satellite telecom). Tele standards piggy backed on access to electricity grids and whilst physical engine power including railways had emerged from Glasgow 1760s we can note that some forms of tele offer way above zero-sum model of consuming this eg when relaying life critical info. Equally tele advances can be disastrous if first used for bad. It is said that hitler enjoyed the comparatively small advance of audio recording. His propaganda could thus be radioed 24/7 while opponents to hitler had to do each speech live

50 the seventh and last corridor within 2025's report horizons began 2016 au YN digital cooperation - a group of educators said the new 17 sustainability goals are impossible to achieve action around unless every education tech and practice expert in un breaks down silos. The group who got liftoff for this idea were all friends of 1 billion asian girls women empowerment /end poverty connector Sir fazle abed. Actually digital cooperation had emerged at his 80th birthday wish party spring 2016. Today there are 9 playing pieces to gov2.0 - change media to change education to celebrate I for good to unite maths for millennials t\o redesign trust/safety and infrastructure/public goods so that 1945's 2 greatest hopes by people exhausted by 2 world wars could be made transparent productivity inclusion and rights without borders

recursion 1 has any human coms revolution not needed ITU to link it in

we asked chatgpt reminisces some of its fav moments for humanity's connectivity? Certainly! Here is a more detailed list of some of the important standards and innovations associated with ITU, along with their dates:

  • 1865: ITU was founded as the International Telegraph Union, with the goal of promoting cooperation among global telegraph networks.
  • 1875: The first international telegraph convention was held, which established a framework for international telegraph communication and set the stage for future ITU conventions.
  • 1885: ITU was renamed as the International Telegraph Union and became a specialized agency of the newly formed Universal Postal Union.
  • 1924: The International Radiotelegraph Convention was held, which established international standards for radiotelegraph communication and led to the formation of the International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR), a predecessor to the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R).
  • 1932: The ITU was renamed as the International Telecommunication Union to reflect the expansion of its mission beyond telegraphy.
  • 1947: The ITU became a specialized agency of the United Nations, and the International Telecommunication Convention was adopted to provide a legal framework for international telecommunications.
  • 1956: The CCITT (Consultative Committee on International Telegraphy and Telephony), which later became the ITU-T, was established to develop international standards for telecommunication networks and services.
  • 1965: The International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee (CCITT) developed the first standard for facsimile transmission, which allowed for the transmission of still images over telecommunications networks.
  • 1972: The CCITT developed the X.25 standard, which defined a protocol for packet-switched networks and provided a foundation for modern data networking.
  • 1984: The ITU-T developed the V.32 standard, which allowed for the transmission of data over voice-grade telephone lines at speeds up to 9600 bits per second.
  • 1988: The ITU-T developed the H.320 standard, which defined a protocol for videoconferencing over ISDN networks.
  • 1992: The ITU-T developed the V.34 standard, which allowed for the transmission of data over voice-grade telephone lines at speeds up to 28.8 kilobits per second.
  • 1999: The ITU-T developed the G.729 standard, which provided a high-quality speech compression algorithm that allowed for efficient use of network bandwidth in voice-over-IP (VoIP) networks.
  • 2003: The ITU-T developed the H.264 standard, which defined a video compression standard that enabled high-quality video streaming over the internet and mobile networks.
  • 2009: The ITU-T developed the standard, which provided a high-speed, low-latency protocol for communication over power lines, coaxial cables, and phone lines.
  • 2012: The ITU-T developed the standard, which allowed for gigabit-speed data transmission over existing copper telephone lines.
  • 2015: The ITU-T developed the G.992.3 standard, which defined the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) technology that enabled high-speed internet access over existing telephone lines.
  • 2017: The ITU-T developed the G.7710 standard, which provided a framework for automatic network management and protection in optical transport networks.

These are just a few examples of the many important standards and innovations associated with ITU over the years.

to which we could add aiforgood from 2018?


Yes, that's correct. AI for Good is another initiative that was launched by ITU in 2018. It is a platform that brings together experts in artificial intelligence, policy makers, civil society, and the private sector to discuss and collaborate on how to use AI for social good. The initiative aims to leverage the power of AI to address some of the world's biggest challenges, such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. The AI for Good Global Summit is one of the flagship events of this initiative, and it brings together stakeholders from around the world to share ideas and explore opportunities for collaboratio

....related some ai courses

?Stanford University

CS221 - Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques by?Percy Liang?and?Dorsa Sadigh:?

CS229 - Machine Learning by?Andrew Ng:?

CS230 - Deep Learning by?Andrew Ng:?

CS231n - Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition by Fei-Fei Li and?Andrej Karpathy:?

CS224n - Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning by?Christopher Manning:?

CS234 - Reinforcement Learning Emma Brunskill:?

CS330 - Deep Multi-task and Meta Learning by?Chelsea Finn:?

CS25 - Transformers United:?

?Massachusetts Institute of Technology

6.S191 - Introduction to Deep Learning by?Alexander Amini?and?Ava Amini (Soleimany):?

6.S094 - Deep Learning by?Lex Fridman:?

6.S192 - Deep Learning for Art, Aesthetics, and Creativity by?Ali Jahanian:?

Carnegie Mellon University

CS/LTI 11-777 Multimodal Machine Learning?Louis-Philippe Morency:?

University College London

COMP M050 Reinforcement Learning David Silver:?

EM asks: is your child's future mainly determined by what latitude your family tree was born in ?

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TIMING IS EVERYTHING IN MARKETING WAY ABOVE ZERO SUM INNOVATION ... europe needed to take up president carters startup race for solar; missing that one chance texas has led world of carbon corporations to about 30 years of wars around euro's east and the gulf and balkans (see world war 1, demise og austrian-hungary empire- and now just as post-covid millennials needed emotionally intel AI. there's putin's world; we could say that almost every western nation made brilliant short-term decisions and has thus sacrificed millennials because human development economics (let alone AI post-Colonial) needs intergenerational time-span mapping not just 90 day smash and grab and certainly not 90 second american tv political and vested interest ads let alone 9 second slogans of sort tweeting mastered - see why twitterversal may yet save or end us all

Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,

2 年 March 1st - washington DC superterrestrial summit - how far behind is US AI on humanity? If you attend and want to help moderate joint zooms afterwards please say; if you want to arrange a zoom Q&A what went down on March 1 -mail [email protected] - march 7 next "mera" summit is blended this from brussels and celebrating science inclusion of Africa


Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab的更多文章

