Can Too Much Testosterone Make a Man Weak and Insecure?

Can Too Much Testosterone Make a Man Weak and Insecure?

I had an interesting conversation with a male friend about “why men are becoming weak.”

Let’s face the facts here, men used to be very confident in themselves and focused on life. Back in the days when they will be happily give their lives to defend their country, women, and children.

I remember as a teenager, my male classmates were more intelligent and smarter than the females.

Whenever we had an academic or sports competition, you can be sure a boy will take the first position, then a girl comes in second.

Even with dating, girls preferred dating a boy two years older than her and above because they seem to be more oriented about life than the girls in their age bracket.

In fact, the shift in modern masculinity and femininity is something we cannot ignore. Women are more driven nowadays than men. Women are breaking boundaries while men a residing in their comfort zones.

My friend seems to think that men’s testosterone is growing weak, hence the vulnerability we see in men today.

According to scientists, sperm count is about half of what it used to be 50 years ago. A lot of variables can lower a man’s testosterone. And it appears that tap water isn’t far from that list.

A man’s testosterone is made of up androgens- hormones responsible for regulating and developing a man’s character.

These hormones do not just improve body mass, they also contribute to controlling cognitive functions and mood. This means the aggressiveness or meekness of a man can be linked to high or low testosterone.

Men who support their wives in raising their children are known to have lower testosterone than the aggressive and grumpy men who end up as deadbeat fathers.

Signs your testosterone makes you an irresponsible man

When you think of testosterone, the first thing that comes to mind is lust, violence, and machismo.

Testosterone is called ‘the aggression hormone’ due to its presumed relationships with such negative, antisocial, and principally male qualities.

Although your testosterone doesn’t change your behavior directly, however, it influences your reaction to certain situations.

Low testosterone can lead to sadness and depression. This can be a result of irritability, decreased sex drive, and fatigue.

The biggest worry about low testosterone is how it affects a man’s self-esteem. Ego is one of the insecurities men struggle with. Men tend to be more vulnerable when they have low self-esteem.

A study conducted on footballers shows that athletes with increased testosterone before a game had high confidence, and performed far better than their counterparts with low testosterone.

Parting thoughts

Now we know why good men act out of character, sometimes. If your man suddenly starts acting off, it may be wise to check his testosterone count. Low testosterone can make a man emotionally unstable.

Even The New York Times agrees that wall street would have been safer under the authority of a woman because they are less ego-driven and not controlled by testosterone impulses.

If you want to have more control over your hormones and be a responsible man, sex and lustful desires are known to increase testosterone levels.

Subsequently, exercises and weight loss routines can also help slow the decrease of testosterone your body is experiencing.


About author

Jessey Anthony is a motivational speaker, fitness coach and relationship expert who helps people become confident in themselves in any challenges they face in life.?Sign up to my newsletter?& more cool stuff.

Connect with me on?Linkedin,?Twitter, and?Quora.

Sharon Schaffhauser

Interior Decorator/Regenerative Gardener/Artisan & Artist

2 年

Perhaps you should have a peek at the MMA fighters and see how the higher level of testosterone gives them the energy to perform in the ring. There are a lot of hormone disruptors in the water and food and our bodies respond accordingly. Maybe a little too much oestrogen changes a male.

Way more to are required to wear many different hats than men of dad's days. The roles were more defined AND accepted as such. Not negating the conversation- but adding critical missing pieces.

Kenneth Hodge

Content that grows revenue. I show your client how you give them the edge.

2 年

A more plausible explanation is that women have been beating down boys since the '80s. Expecting and training boys to learn and behave like the girls. This includes – but in no way limited to – hyperactivity drugs. An economist wrote about his child. The teacher said that he marches to a different drummer. "But don't worry, we'll have him marching in step with the rest of the kids in no time." Curious boys don't stand a chance in academia.


