Can those who run still read?
In the hectic business world serving busy customers with low attention spans, there are six words that can shape effective adverts:-
?“Can those who run still read?”
?However, when they have seen ?advert messages or illustrations will they
“Run from reading” or “Run towards your product”
Every week, the UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) publish a list of those adverts they have adjudicated upon and which they say must never be published again because they are not “legal, decent, honest or truthful”
These have been adjudicated upon the ASA in terms of whether the adverts breach the various codes covering:-
·???????? Non-broadcast material
The UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising and Direct & Promotional Marketing (CAP Code) is the rule book for non-broadcast advertisements, sales promotions and direct marketing communications (marketing communications).
·???????? Broadcast material
The UK Code of Broadcast Advertising (BCAP Code) applies to all advertisements (including teleshopping, content on self-promotional television channels, television text and interactive tv ads) and programme sponsorship credits on radio and television services licensed by Ofcom.
The ASA also conduct research to test public opinion and identify where they need to take action to protect consumers.
They also have a page on their website to make a complaint AND to report any scams!
A recent training course I ?delivered for a client on how to equality check & proof content of adverts ?gave me the opportunity to bring together dozens of real-life adverts for goods, facilities and services from across the globe.
Just under 50 examples on my Power Point slides. UK to Brazil. China to Mexico. If you have examples I will add to my collection!
Details of my course are profiled below and a set of my Power Point slides can be sent to you on request. There is a mini quiz attached to the slides and I would really be interested to get your responses and confidential feedback. I am preparing groundwork for a new book based in part on what people have to say.
Health Warning about the Adverts
- Some are from the 1950's.
- Some are very recent but might make you feel you are back in the 1950's!
- Others might make you smile
- Others will make you throw things at the screen
It's a mixed bag!
Sign up for our new 2024 Equality, Impact and Cultural Impact Assessment course that highlights:-
·????????? Proven techniques for equality proofing advertising copy
·????????? A system that focuses on appropriate consultation and involvement of those you serve and want to serve
·????????? Objective data from customer relationship management
·????????? The economic benefits of equality and diversity with a look at Rainbow Currency such as the Blue/Brown/Pink/Purple and Silver £££s
·????????? Real cases that the ASA publish almost every Wednesday
·????????? Learning points (expensive ones!) that some advertisers have had to take on board
·????????? Creative writing skills
And don’t forget, if you want examples of adverts across the world from the 1950’s to the present day(!) that caused offence, get in touch for our free library of slides and a quiz that goes with it -test yourself and others! Be prepared to be shocked! Interestingly when we have used these slides on our courses, we get a totally different response from males & females as well as many in diverse communities-here and overseas.