Can a therapy business succeed without putting ourselves out there?
John Prendergast MA
Helping therapists fill their diaries. Corporate & Workplace Stress Reduction. Award winning Anxiety & Trauma Therapist
Last week we talked about how so many of us just expect business to take-off by itself, but it doesn’t.
Chatting to people on that webinar it really seemed to be the case that the expectation of success and word of mouth simply happening is holding a lot of us back.
It destroyed my efforts at the start because it meant I didn’t take any action when I needed too. It was only when faced with being broke that I acted. I didn’t know what to do so there was little effort put in at all.
The idea that ‘the universe will provide’ seems a bit less realistic when we look at the reality of what we’re expecting:
“I can have a business earning tens of thousands without any effort finding clients”
“The Universe will provide me with tens of thousands without me stepping outside my comfort zone.”
These are the unrealistic assumptions that a lot of therapists identified with.
I think when we do put energy (Time and Effort) into something the universe does reward it, but I sat there thinking about my business. worrying and hoping, rather than expending useful energy.
If you’re ready to take action but need help on what to do I’d love to invite you to the Facebook Bootcamp for therapists.
On the day I show you how Facebook is still the best, fastest, and cheapest place to find clients and build a waiting list.
I give you the step-by-step system to get your posts to connect with clients.
We work through how to make your message resonate powerfully with your ideal clients.
You will leave with your workbook filled in, ready to start posting using the right language, what to say and how to offer your help, how to campaign easily, and how to use video (even if you’re camera shy).
We have just 4 Earlybird tickets left at €50 off the full price.
They are down from €145 to just €97.
Book here:…
Full event info here:…
9:15am to 5:30pm, Saturday 27th April. Maldron Hotel, Newland’s Cross, Dublin.
Your questions are very welcome on the day. This is a practical training. Be prepared to work on the day and to implement what you learn to make the world a better place.
Here’s some results people are getting by using my systems:
‘Using John’s methods and techniques over the 10-week period I can honestly say that my business has literally tripled.’ – Steven Norton, Anxiety Specialist and Hypnotherapist.
“You know what a difference boosted posts make. I had 6 bookings after post was boosted in a few hours.” - Joe Brady, Physical Therapist (Joe spent just €20 on that boost)
“I have done my first post with the use of the workbook and already have had amazing feedback. I posted it last night and went to bed this morning I have already got six new clients.” - Catherine Finlay, Psychotherapist and Counsellor
You’ll get exactly what built my waiting list, what keeps me booked-out, and all the practical how-to on the day.
Hope you can make it.
Please keep sharing your help!