Can the Sun prevent the Harming of Global Warming or ... Sun is Alarming ?
Joannes Sevenhans
Alcatel Academy Distinguished Member_2001 ...IEEE_Fellow_2000 for contributions to the design of solid state telecommunication transceivers ...PhD 1984 KULeuven ...Semi-retired ...Always looking for a next project ...
In 412 years the sun pulled us since 1607 out of the "little ice age" with increasing numbers of sunspots ...
With a dip from 1800AD to 1830AD and another little dip 1880AD to 1950AD ...
But since 1950 the sun went full steam up for 2 decades and now the sun is having a break with 2 decades of global cooling after 1991.
But if the sunspot numbers keep on going down then we my assume that we are heading to a new little ice age or ...
Looking over history there might be a lot more ice age coming behind the corner ...
Our 14 millennia old warm period is getting old and tired and ready to retire ?
Previous warm periods were less stable and shorter in time ...
Only the sun is strong enough to trigger a new 100 millennia long ice age and like the sunspot numbers are going down now ... a new ice age maybe the miracle that we need to get global cooling ...
If you are not a "climate change fanatic believer nor denier" then you are welcome to join us for fair discussion in the group : CCR="Climate Change Revival"
But : 800 Millennia CO2 & Climate Change
Natural Gas Engineering and Development
5 年Read this twice......hought provoking. Thanks for the post
Senior Geologist
5 年Or the sun is primarily responsible for Global Climate Change and we’re just along for the ride.
Senior/retired Svc. Mgr, Proj. Mgr, Sales Support, experienced Coach and Analyst
5 年Who knows? At the end of day, nature master everything. But climate is one thing, nutrition and pollution is another. Still we need to take care of our waste and find ways to feed everyone on the planet, whatever climate will be.