Can someone get that phone...
Answering a phone call is so often overlooked now for the single most important opportunity it is, the first experience of a customer with a council.
This is even more so in today’s world where we all have a phone or device in our pocket, briefcase or satchel.
Whilst there is no time to waste with the pace of life and work, the positive impact a polite, accurate and helpful response is immeasurable. It is also now expected far sooner than ever before.
Here are my top 7 phone points, at The Australian Local Government Job Directory.
? Answer calls in three rings.
? Speak with a smile in your voice, confidently, and sincerely ?
? The last thing you say is what is most easily remembered so make it your name.
? Listen carefully, then answer ?
? Let callers know if you are unsure, best make sure your response is correct?
? If placing someone on hold, always ask first, then be sure not to leave them hanging - even 30 seconds without a check, as it can be too long to wait ?
? Finally, make sure the caller always hangs up first, nothing worse than being hung up on ?
Have a think about your own phone call goals, discuss them with your staff, this simple process could provide your people with even more confidence to genuinely engage.
Dianne Jack
Editor In Chief
The Australian Local Government Job Directory