Can science create happy, successful and relevant people?

Can science create happy, successful and relevant people?

To find the answer to this we would have to peel a lot of layers of an onion — who defines what is “Happy” or “Successful” — You ask 100 people, most would say it’s all relative to each other

We did a lot of research and came to simple definitions:

Happy: If you send & receive positive energy to people around you

Why do we even ask this question?

We all want our kids to be happy, healthy and successful in life.

As parents, we take basic steps by sending them to a good school. Does getting good grades mean you would be successful in life? Can they earn money, fame, live a healthy lifestyle, have good friends? I don’t know about you, however thinking about it, I usually just give up as there does not seems a “well defined” answer for it. So we just go with the normal flow of life and hope everything would be OK

As kids start growing and run into any issues, we start ‘fixing’ the issues — “one issue at a time”

Maybe if that issue is resolved, we feel happy, however sometimes while ‘fixing’ that issues make us “lose focus” on the bigger picture of kids' success.

Some of the early key patterns are:

Defiant behavior — Kids confronting you and saying no to whatever you say

Soon the issues start mushrooming into bigger issues :

Confusion with studies — I can learn computers or maybe I can learn Bio-Tech. How about both?

Statistics are staggering — One of the measurable numbers for kids who went on an extreme spectrum of making wrong choices is depicted in the graph below

In essence, our lives become a real game of whack-a-mole in which we keep on fixing one issue at a time and then other issues keep popping up. We live our lives and end our lives playing this game, passing our experiences to the next generation

Sometimes religion may offer peace and serenity of mind, however, it’s generally for solving “one issue”, as soon as the other issue emerges, we seek to find answers all around again and again and again — this cycle goes on

Some people reach out to doctors, psychologists to resolve issues which are also effective in solving “one issue” at time

We keep on moving from one issue to others and essentially keep on circumventing in the hope of reaching a state of life where we don’t have any issue. Unfortunately, for most of us, that state of bliss is never achieved

Is this the kind of life we wish to have? Elon Musk is taking the human race to Mars however are we trying to run away from ourselves and our miseries or can we look in the mirror and be honest with ourselves

It’s 2014 and a little non-profit “Changing Our Futures” 501c(3) is born

COF(Changing Our Futures) started by analyzing over 1000+ successful individuals in 200 years. The result was pretty simple:

It all starts with making the right choice — Every time. It sounds easy, however practically is hard to do. From 500 BC to modern times — People have found making “right choice” as the root to fix key issues in life

“Changing Our Futures” mission is to put a seed in people’s subconscious mind which helps them make “good choice” when they are confronted with real-life issues.

To the people who want to understand how we find these “seed”, the formula is very simple

p(x) = Success in Life

x1 to xN = Factors which contribute to success in life

a1 to aN = How important is this factor to you

These factors we have identified over the last 7 years by doing a study on numerous people. Machine learning was super useful in identifying these

We would continue with this blog, In the meanwhile, you can learn more about us at . Feel free to like the page and send us message if you want to get involved with this project.

You can take a 100% free personality evaluation at — This would help you understand what works with “people who are similar to you”, what kind of issues they have, for those issues what worked for them, what did not worked.

We don’t take any salaries and work as 501 c(3) non-profit. If you wish to donate anything to help expedite this research, you can contribute at

This project is critical — for current and future humanity. Our goal is to have a peaceful, fun loving human race in which people respect each other, have enough food on table and live each moment of life

Doing all above is not easy, It’s a road less travelled. Our entire team runs on 100% donations and contributions to find a better future for human kind. Please support this, even $1 is good


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