Can Pakistan still survive? The answer is YES
Blockchain Advocate, Enterprise Data Architect, DevOps Engineer, Senior Software Engineer, IT Research Mentor
Rather any failed state can still survive. We will have a specific look at a failed state ‘Pakistan’.
??????What went wrong? What needs to be done? ?Would it be an easy course?
??????Innocent people who did not understand dirty politics in 1947, they may not understand or learn or willing to understand or learn even now.
Those who hate people, regions, casts or classes; please stop reading any further.
The country is a superset of communities. The communities are made of humans. The humans are made of physicals and emotionals. We will look into what went wrong with any failed state that can be recovered. For the desired results we must control something so that current trend of “economic flow” can be diverted. That is all about it.
No matter which country, no matter which region, every corner of this world can improve themselves. Hard work is needed – do work hard still in negative situations – anyways.
1.??????One cause is always a part of main issue – Corruption – boils down to (greed + dishonesty).
2.??????Second is mentality – do you hate others – are you jealous - you will never grow prosperous.
3.??????Laziness – are you wide aware? – are you wide awake? Laziness is considered as a sin in many communities; whatever may be you must be quick, active and reasonably reactive.
Three components (antonyms to above items) are basic pillars of success. Dig deeper into your own religion, you will find these 3 every where.
?????????Pakistan, formerly India, is a blessed land. Nature has blessed it with immense natural resources.
I will use ‘God’ in place of ‘Nature’ in following contents.
God blessed whole world equally; may it be India, China, Arabs or western world. Moreover, Indians had proven to be strongest physical humans. Emotionally, they have wealth of various religions sects or communities. It is a wealth, it is up to current psyche how they use their own wealth.
As of current:
???????????????Pakistan has big line of natural resources, nothing less than any other country in world.
Top 5 natural resources: Coal, Mineral oil, Natural Gas, Forest, Land.
Above all: world’s best quality rock-salt mines.
Pakistan has best of human qualities – a line of humanitarians – nothing less than any other part of world.
Pakistan has full line of self-dependency raw materials. They can make almost anything they need to survive.
Future Planning:
??????????????Pakistan needs to overlook world politics – dis-associate from greedy political ends - just co-exist with the intention limited to co-existence needs – and make top priority to decrease 3 bad parts of current practices.
1.??????To eliminate corruption – continuous practice of meetings, thoughts and discussions openminded to eliminate corruption.
2.??????Be really sincere to your religious teaching about hate, jealousy or rivalry. The sincere intent will do the magic for people.
3.??????Be diligent (effort full) – learn from your heritage – you have rich heritage about being effortful.
Given the ‘God’ gifts; you will regain your prestige; my dear motherland; should you be any country; God blessed you heavily already.?