Can Paid Parking Curb the Ruckus in Metropolises?
Krrish Madaan
Aspiring Data Analyst | Python, SQL, Power BI, Advanced Excel | Freelance Technical Writer
Parking, which is permitted upon payment of a fee, is termed paid parking.
Keeping in mind the fact that metropolises have the highest density of privately owned vehicles in India, paid parking will help out to sort out the mess of haphazard parking.
Why Paid Parking is Beneficial?
Congestion Tax is The Enemy
A congestion tax is an amount that private vehicle owners have to pay when they enter specific areas of a city, especially during peak hours. It aims to reduce traffic and pollution in certain areas of the city. However, if imposed, it should not be so high that the common man feels the pinch.
Any Other Way Out?
Underground parking is also a good idea. Keeping in mind the fact that India is now the most populated country in the world, developing such infrastructure is a smart investment.
Apart from all this, the authorities should be strict and vigilant. They should make sure that all the laws are strictly implemented.