Can Near End and Far end Performance counters for the same interval be different in OTN ?Possibilities
In this article lets have a discussion over whether there is a possibility that the Near End and Far end Performance counters for the same interval be different in OTN electrical layers for example ODU and OTU .
To be more clear on this lets take an example of 100GBE service with ODUPM which experienced 2SES (severely error seconds at the source) and 1 SES at the destination , Now if somebody thinks is it possible at all as at both ends the counters should be exactly the same , well it is possible .Now as per ITU-T standard G.8201 amendment 12/21 when a near-end SES is caused by a near-end defect , the far-end performance event counters are not incremented, i.e., an error-free period is assumed. It should be noted in particular that the evaluation of far-end events (such as SES or unavailability) can be inaccurate in the case where far-end SESs occur in coincidence with near-end SESs caused by a defect .
So to conclude there may be a possibility that NE and FE counters may not be exactly equal and may vary and hence it is recommended that while troubleshooting Near end counters should be referred while Far end PM can be used for co-relation