Can Massive Change Happen THAT Fast?
Denise Mortimer
Transformational Mentor and Consultant helping High Achievers hit their first 6 figures in their online business
I KNOW some people experience cognitive dissonance around the idea that massive change can happen within a 90 minute period. I'd like to demystify the process.
Here it is. The exact process.
I tend to work with high performing, established business owners who want to release themselves from the toxic thoughts that keep them living in a fearful state.
This is how it goes:
I get you booked in and you complete 2 super short forms. One gives me some info about your situation and what your underlying problem may be.
We get on a 90 min. call.
The first part of the call is spent asking you some questions.
I am listening carefully to what you say and taking notes.
When I've gathered the right level of information we commence the session.
I use a hypnotic induction to relax you.
You are still in control of everything you are just very relaxed (in Theta brain waves)
Through a series of questions you'll regress to a significant time when you made an unhelpful decision about life that is impacting you even today.
I'll draw the parallels and you'll then see what has been so obvious- in plain sight.
We repeat that process 3 or 4 times.
You'll acknowledge how these episodes have impacted your life and you'll have an opportunity to leave them behind.
Once you commit to leaving that all in the past you'll go through a transformative process unlike anything you've experienced before.
The transformation includes some powerful words that are specific and customised to you.
You'll be taken out of trance and we have a debrief.
You'll get a recording to listen to for 21 days to embed the message into your subconscious.
Every day you'll experience something that feels like a miracle. This is in fact, you restoring your brilliance that has been covered up by layers of bullshit that you've believed for years.
You'll call me a miracle worker and I'll agree.
You shift your point of vibration by becoming a higher vibrating being. You will feel unstoppable.
My Facebook feed is full of my clients who have stepped into their brilliance and are making more money than ever, attracting clients, being authentic, not in competition with anyone, a peace in their soul, joyful in their heart. Confident. Full of self trust.
Most people don't believe that such a radical change can happen so fast.
It is a quantum leap. It is what everybody deserves.
Not everyone will be courageous enough to claim their brilliance.
Maybe they are scared.
Maybe worried it won't work for them (that was me!)
It works for 97% of my one to one clients.
Not many coaches can quote a success % as high as that.
This is the most cost effective and time saving talking therapy you can experience. In my opinion. Because it changed the game for me.
I myself would not have believed the results avaiable. (I had my own cognitive dissonance destroyed around this too!!!)
Interested to experience this for yourself? You can book a call to find out more here: