“Can Magic Sleights be Made Invisible? Using Words Wisely.”
Joe Ferranti
Boston Magician...Corporate and Private events...specializing in Close Up/Strolling Magic and The Intimate Parlor Show.
?How many of us have strived to perform a "Perfect Pass?" I used to believe there were magicians who could perform an "invisible pass" while their hands were being "burned." (Burn means, the spectators are looking at your hands only, in hopes of catching the secret.)
I certainly don't demean the skill and hours of practice the best passers endure. It's not easy, some of us might never get it. Listen to the experts of our time, as well as those from the past, and discover the intricate knowledge that will guide you in your endeavor to master an unseen sleight. They'll discuss the use of words, (maybe asking a question.) attitude, eye contact, perhaps a gesture. A quick anecdote, some magicians will wait to execute the pass, knowing that people will grow tired of watching/burning you. They asked the legendary Magician Max Malini how long he would wait to execute the pass. ?His answer was, "I'll wait a week."
An Invisible Top Change
Trying to learn a "Top Change" from a book was impossible for me. "I assume others have done it, but not me. However, with the help of the many DVDs on card sleights, I finally understood the mechanics. "However, I didn't use it until I needed it for a routine I was incorporating into my repertoire."
Here's the effect: The magician spreads the deck in front of a spectator, instructing them to think of a card they see. After shuffling the cards, I remove one card and place it in my breast coat pocket. Asking the spectator to name the card that they saw. "I retrieve the card from my pocket, and it precisely matches the one they had in mind." (For our purposes, let's say it's the King of Spades.) To carry the "magic" a bit further I dribble the cards and display a card for another spectator. The little secret is this: You bring the card to the top using a side steal.?Now the big secret for the top change.
A Combination of Words and a Gesture Guarantee Invisibility
"I already know one thing about your card...do you know what I know? As I?reach for the King of Spades in my pocket..."I know it's not the King of Spades, because Bob... (top change and gesture with the supposed King of Spades towards?Bob) ...?thought of the King of Spades."
The ending is not important. The words and gestures that render the Top Change invisible are the purpose of this article. Without my motivation, the move may appear unusual. I'd probably get caught 50% of the time. Those who use brute force to execute their sleights will send tell-tale red flags. My advice is "please respect the intelligence of your audience.
?I thought I knew a lot.
?My ability with a deck of cards is intermediate and has served me well in the style in which I perform. I recently stumbled upon Ben Earl's The Family, and it's simply extraordinary. ?Just when I thought I had everything figured out I discovered a resource that has advanced my sleight of hand. It's not cheap, but it's a bargain. "He's forced me to think a little deeper, consequently improving my overall performances."?I can't recommend his project highly enough. And you don't have to sign up forever. During this busy season of work, I have little time to dedicate to studying. However, I managed to successfully pause my subscription, allowing me to fully focus on my professional responsibilities. I'll rejoin when things slow down.
Happy Holidays from The Magic of Joe Ferranti