Can lightning strike you?
They say that in the course of a year, the odds that you will be hit by lighting are 1 in 700,000.
The truth of the matter is that we all have a better chance of being hit by lighting than winning Powerball!
What many of you may not know, that back in 2008 my house was struck by lightning resulting in almost $300,000 in damages. In addition to not being prepared to live in a hotel for three months, my entire house, which was built to cade in 1994, had to be enhanced with many positive life safety changes that had been included into to the latest building codes.
Even with implementing construction to include these new requirements, if I were to offer a lesson learned it would be; with today’s fast changing technology enhancements, stay current of the changes that could impact the safety of your property, your health and wellbeing of your family. Because of the lesson learned, two years ago I added an automatic gas feed generator adding total peace of mind during any type of storm.
Check out the link below provided by the Red Cross, it offers several great suggestions for your protection and safety.