Can I write an edition in just 5 minutes?
The challenge starts now!

Can I write an edition in just 5 minutes?

No editing challenge. Am I up for it?

This week was a blast. But that's not the focus.

Today I'm restarting my email game.

And it's going to be for vegan business owners!


But I'm about to rest now from a grueling week of copywriting test projects and interviews.

So finally I'm going to doze off without worries.

But before the 5-minute timer is up...

I just wanted to share this 37-Step Email Marketing Kickstarter for vegan business owners out there who might be interested...

Yup, that's a lead magnet right there. Haha.

You'll get the pdf if you opt-in to my exclusive vegan marketing newsletter.

Inside my list, I'll be sharing vegan marketing tips and basically what I do for vegan brands.

So, if you're not a vegan business owner, this might not be for you.

Anyway, 52 seconds more.

Just wanted to give a shout-out to Coach Shoden San for the push. Haha

That's it for now, guys.

I'm going to have an amazing weekend.

See ya next week!


P.S. Okay, I did a few edits, but the main copy was uhmmm, yeah, 5 minutes. And this P.S. too, haha, it's something I added. K bye. ;P
