Can I use my BABoK V2 training for CBAP / CCBA V3 certifications?
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This has been a constant query from all our participants from October 2016. Many had prepared for V2 but for some reason could not take the test. However, there are many significant changes in BABoK? V3 and the examination content and pattern.
The key ones are:
1. BABoK? V3 is significantly changed over BABoK? V2. BABoK? V3 has added 16 more techniques.
2. # of pages of content added is almost 100% more than in V2.
3. Language used in BABoK? V3 is quite different from BABoK? V2.
4. CBAP? V3 requires 35 hours of PDUs. This was 21 hours in CBAP? V2.
5. Questions for CBAP? V3 are significantly changed from CBAP? V2. In CBAP? V2, there were 150 questions, majority (approx. being 80%) being scenario based questions and 20% definition oriented questions. In CBAP? V3, there are 120 questions. Of this around 50% are likely to be case based and 50% are likely to be scenario based. Case based questions are newly introduced in CBAP? V3.
6. If one is looking for CBAP? and CCBA? V3 simulators, make sure that your simulator provides you with good number of case based questions.
7. The amount of preparation one needs for V3 is at least 50% more than what one would have needed for V2.
What should you do kick-start your CBAP? and CCBA? V3 journey?
Read the remaining part of the blog here.