Can I talk about Menopause?
As part of my work at Singer Instruments, we are putting together policies and safeguards for anyone affected by menopause. Alongside this, we wish to educate and inform all staff about this subject. Some younger women may benefit from more knowledge about what they may expect when their perimenopause and menopause begin. We also believe that if all men were better informed then they would be better placed to support people close to them who are menopausal, it may also help to change some old fashioned ideas and myths about menopause.
My question is this, is this the right thing to do? If so, how can we get this across in a way that is compact enough to maintain interest in reading it but, at the same time, giving enough information to help people to understand?
My own speciality is counselling and psychotherapy so I am hoping that some of you out there will be able to give me guidance on this. Menopause is something that is not talked about enough and I think it is time to change that, it is time to make it the stuff of everyday conversation but I don't have the knowledge to do it alone.
Thank you for reading this and I look forward to any advice, information or suggestions that you may be able to offer.
We need to keep menopause to the forefront. Ensuring that employers take on board the needs of their female and in some cases trans women. X