Can I be a Spiritual Master Team Coach?
Ram S. Ramanathan MCC
Systemic, Sustainable, and Spiritual Self Development Coach Author: Coaching the Spirit & Re-creating Your Future Books & Programs
When I was not knowing, I saw a mountain simply as a mountain, just the way it is. As I gained knowledge, I started seeing it from geology, physics, chemistry, and many other complex things. Now, not knowing again, and wanting to know only the Truth, I see the mountain again simply as a mountain.
– Paraphrasing a 100-year-old Zen master, who says he knows not
Find Your True Self: Spiritual Intelligence Will Flower
Have you ever wondered as a child in innocence? ?Weren't we all open to possibilities in our boundless curiosity? This innocent curiosity is the inherent spiritual intelligence that holds the key to mastery in coaching, transcending mere skill sets and delving deep into the mindset that fuels true success.
Mastery in coaching is about mindset, not skillsets, as in all mastery of arts and science. Knowledge is a handicap. The wisdom is in not knowing. Coaching in innocence, curiosity, and not knowing becomes spiritual coaching. Spiritual coaching is letting go of limiting beliefs, ego, and the constant need for control. We reconnect with our true selves and our centre, we discover a powerful love and acceptance for who we are and can be.
Move from Knowledge to Wisdom: Embrace the mindfree No Mind
When we were children we could see the world with fresh eyes, unburdened by perceptions borrowed from others. When we acquire knowledge we are entangled in the details and stop seeing the woods for trees. Spiritual coaching helps true wisdom emerge by embracing not-knowing, ?letting go of control, and opening ourselves to infinite possibilities.
The Polarity of Control in Acceptance
When we obsess about happiness and success, control becomes the key. The truth is different. Happiness and success are within, not outside. No amount of control helps, since each of us wishes to control! Spiritual intelligence and coaching teach us differently: peace comes from accepting in gratitude selflessly what we cannot control. Let go of your need to influence those around you. You are open to experiencing life in all its richness and beauty. Coacharya calls this the SAGE state: Selfless Acceptance in Gratitude Engaging with the universe within.
Touch Your Core: Energy of Sensory Awareness Emerges
Spiritual coaching rests on sensory energy awareness. We can generate intuitive wisdom by sensing our bodies in the present moment. We then choose to align with our true selves, values and beliefs, and not be driven by external pressures. Meditative reflection helps touch the sensory core.
Lighting the Lamp Within Sharing Your Spiritual Journey
Embark on your spiritual Hero's journey in coaching. You will share the light of your wisdom with others. As spiritual coaches, we can empower ourselves, our families, our tribes and the world at large touching their inner wisdom to create positivity in our Planet.
Remember to
Ask the universe when in doubt, not knowing. Universe conspires to help you as it did Santiago in The Alchemist. Universe will answer you. When you have experiences, you are ready to spiritually coach others.
As the noble Buddha said, light the lamp within, and then light the lamps of others. Darkness in you generates darkness in others. Through spiritual coaching, your inner master coach emerges to empower yourself and others to live lives happily with meaning and spiritual intelligence.
This blog is based on a blog Ram earlier wrote on the Coacharya website.
Ram is a co-founder and mentor at Coacharya . Ram's focus is the integration of Eastern wisdom with modern science, spiritually, systemically and sustainably.