Can I extend the C++ language by adding features not present in the standard library.
Ayman Alheraki
Senior Software Engineer. C++ ( C++Builder/Qt Widgets ), Python/FastAPI, NodeJS/JavaScript/TypeScript, SQL, NoSQL
you can extend the C++ language by adding features not present in the standard library. There are a few ways to accomplish this:
1. Operator Overloading:
class Complex {
// ... (Complex number implementation)
Complex operator+(const Complex& other) const {
// ... (Add two complex numbers)
Complex a(1, 2), b(3, 4);
Complex c = a + b; // Uses the overloaded '+' operator
2. Template Metaprogramming:
template <int N>
struct Factorial {
static const int value = N * Factorial<N - 1>::value;
template <>
struct Factorial {
static const int value = 1;
int result = Factorial::value; // result is 120
3. Custom Literals:
constexpr long double operator"" _km(long double x) {
return x * 1000.0;
long double distance = 5.6_km; // distance is 5600.0
4. Language Extensions (Rare):
Important Considerations: