Can I Catch a Break?
I’m positive there are days when you feel frustrated and out of control. On such days, don’t we all wish there was a pause button on life? During those tough times, it seems that everyone wants a piece of you when you don’t have much to give. Besides feeling mentally and physically drained, maybe you experience irritability or sadness.?You may even lose your cool and snap at someone only to feel terribly guilty afterwards. In reality, you’re not that person: You’re warm, kind, genuine, and caring. In this week’s newsletter, I share ways to cope on days when you’re not feeling your best. You or the people around you don’t need to endure such days as there are tools to minimize the negative emotions and, possibly, even alleviate them.??
The next time you?feel ready to explode, try the following:?
Understand your feelings
Are you stressed about an upcoming project? Or are you feeling heavy after a tough conversation with a loved one? Is there an unpleasant memory that triggered you? Get creative with the questions and get to the bottom of it. ?
My fabulous female readers who are still menstruating: pay close attention to your hormones and where you are in your cycle as that can reveal much about your moods.???
Listen to your needs
You might not be able to go on that much needed vacation right away or you may not be able to see?that long distance loved one instantly. So, think of the next best thing. Maybe going to a park, trying a guided visualization of a new city, or sending a quick text to a loved one will suffice for the time being.?
Ask for?two blessings: When you awaken, tell yourself the following: Let me think before I speak. Let me choose my battles wisely. On days when I’m low or irritable,?I?request the universe to please let me choose my words and battles carefully. ?
Words spoken?and actions committed in those moods never do you or anyone else any good. Instead, do your best and set the tone for the day. Somewhere, the two blessings will remain a part of your day, either consciously or subconsciously. ?
Get enough sleep
Find awe in the day to day: Look up for just a moment. Break your concentration for a split second away from the screen and stare out the window. You’ll find something of beauty or wonder. ?
Tune into the world around you intentionally and there is bound to be a thing or two?that catches your eye in a good way. You’ll find awe in what you?see, hear, and even smell. ?
Breathe: When you’re cranky, it pays to go out of your way to take deep breaths. For a few minutes, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Try box breathing?or the 4-7-8 breathing techniques that I have mentioned before. ?
As a refresher, box breathing is inhaling for 4 counts, holding your breath for 4 counts, exhaling for 4 counts, and holding for 4 counts. This cycle is repeated 4-5 times. ?
The 4-7-8 breathwork involves inhaling for 4 counts, holding your breath for 7 counts, and exhaling for 8 counts. This cycle is repeated 4-5 times. ?
Connecting with your breath, even briefly, slows down the negative energy and places you in a better position to tackle your problems.??
Find your balance
Introspect and experiment for tried and tested ways to reclaim your balance. Without balance, we forget that all the good and bad in the world is temporary. ?
Surround yourself with love
Telling yourself to toughen up or get it together on days when everything is piling up is not the best approach. Rephrase that dialogue into one that recognizes and empathizes with your situation. Doing so will put you in a frame of mind to capably handle the worst.??
Help someone
Bad days happen. Mostly, everything that can go wrong goes wrong at the same time, or at least that’s how it seems. If we can enjoy the ride when all is well, then why not make the attempt to successfully manage the ride when it temporarily stalls or breaks down? ???
**As a reminder, please consult a medical professional if your feelings of sadness, moodiness, or low energy persist. You deserve to feel better and experience life fully**?
As always, I am here to support you all the way. I love hearing from you, so if your heart desires, drop me a line or more. It will be an honor to read your story, thoughts, and feedback.?
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My guide to overcome stress available here:
Check out this week’s wellness video content on YouTube: 5 Benefits of Stretching for A Healthier You?
All the best,?