Can Gen-Z's Interest in Investing Lead to More Finance Careers?

Can Gen-Z's Interest in Investing Lead to More Finance Careers?

Welcome to the end of Q3; a time for performance reviews, budget planning, and pretending that we're not 3 months away from 2025.

In this quarter's edition of The WebCE Insider we'll explore the increased popularity of finance careers among recent college grads, effects of the federal tax rate decrease, and new innovations in exam preparation.

Now let's get into the top news and updates in the finance industry.

A recent survey conducted by Schwab shows Gen Z adults began investing at age 19 on average, due in part to the growing accessibility of financial information online and in school. This follows a trend of each generation investing earlier and earlier in life. Gen-X began investing at age 32 and millennials at age 25 on average. According to the World Economic Forum, around 70% of retail investors are under the age of 45.??

But it seems Gen-Z’s interest in finance doesn’t stop with personal investing. Finance is currently the #1 most popular industry to work in among 18-25 year old's, a promising trend considering around 60% of finance professionals plan to leave the industry in the coming years.??

A major factor contributing to the popularity of finance careers is a growing distrust in the security of the tech industry, previously the most popular industry for young professionals, as well as recent hiring freezes in Silicon Valley. One thing is for sure, now is the right time to recruit young people joining the workforce.???

What Does This Mean For Recruiting?

When it comes to connecting with young professionals it’s no surprise that having an online presence essential. 75% of Gen-Z professionals use social media when considering potential employers. This expands beyond creating enticing job postings. Sharing your organization’s culture and mission on all social media platforms can create a relationship with potential recruits well before they submit an application.

Here are three key factors Gen-Z professionals consider when looking for a job:?

Career Development?

Younger job applicants are shown to be motivated by more than salary and benefits as opposed to previous generations. In a poll conducted by Deloitte, 51% of Gen-Z professionals say they primarily look for opportunities for career growth.??

This is a surprising comparison between Gen-Z and Millennials, as only 44% of Millennials said the same thing.?

Work-Life Balance?

Gen-Z prefer to work remotely and look for companies that value mental health and wellness. This can include wellness initiatives such as volunteer opportunities or simply offering the option to have a standing desk. Being flexible in certain aspects of time off can go a long way in attracting this generation.??

Diversity and Inclusion?

Following the desire for meaningful work, Gen-Z prioritizes organizations led by and made up of a diverse group of individuals. This generation’s value of inclusivity can be addressed with community outreach initiatives and DEI company policies.

Here are 3 top stories from this quarter:

  • “Recalibration.” That’s how Federal Reserve Chair, Jerome Powell characterized the decision to lower interest rates by a half percentage point. This pivotal move is sending ripples through financial markets, impacting?a wide range of industries.???

  • Surplus recovery in the insurance industry fosters a positive outlook for property and casualty insurers as losses are no longer reducing surplus as they did over the past few years.?

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The Exam Readiness Score has been proven to help insurance exam prep students achieve a consistent pass rate of at least 94% - the highest in the industry.??

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As insurance exam prep students work through their course, they can calculate their unique Exam Readiness Score by clicking the "Am I Exam Ready?" button on their learning dashboard.

After clicking this button, WebCE's Wisebot presents the student's unique score. This score reflects the student's chances of passing the state insurance license exam and helps to improve the student's study efforts.

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Learn more about how the Exam Readiness Score is calculated to take the guesswork out of exam preparation.

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