Can a Games App Help Me Learn to Communicate With Animals?

Can a Games App Help Me Learn to Communicate With Animals?

Can I use a games app to help me develop my intuitive ability to better communicate with animals?

In a word, the short answer is not if you want to be able to communicate with animals which requires using ALL your intuitive abilities, in the right ways, for the best results.

It seems we use apps for everything these days. So why not use a games app to develop my intuitive abilities to communicate with animals.

Let me explain why that’s not a good idea, and give you guidance on what you can do instead that works so much better.

To be sure, you can use game apps for many reasons.

They may seem fun.

Some will just kill time, some are dangerous with malware and the like embedded into them, and some can help exercise your intellect and creativity.

Some suck you right down the rabbit hole, drain your energy, and steal your data while they compromise your well-being with mind control programming.

They set you up for addictions, subliminal suggestions not to your highest best good… (I know how bad this can get because I heal and free people from these issues…)

But I digress.

Here’s the problem with using game apps to develop your intuitive abilities

Here’s the problem: with random answer programming and the way the games are designed, it’s mostly a cr@p shoot as far as results and “scores” go, and that can be very discouraging.

There’s also the part about random rewards and the science of gamification, designed to keep players addicted so they want to continue playing.

That’s like casino gambling addicts praying to lady luck with just one more roll of the dice, one more pull of the handle, and then another and another, while the house rakes in the cash laughing at the suckers all the way to the bank.

How do game apps help you improve your intuitive abilities with animals, and specifically, with animal communication?

They don’t.


You need to FEEL it

To become better at communicating with animals and using your innate intuitive abilities, you need to know how it feels when you sense the wrong or inaccurate or incomplete answers.

It’s a subtle intuitive sense following energy impressions and gathering information as you tune in.

How does it FEEL when you go off track communicating?

When you make a mistake?

When you’re not connected?

For that you need to know how to apply your subtle sensing in your communication practice with a REAL animal, not a human designed game app program. You need to learn how to get out of your head so you can sense and FEEL the energy and information exchange between you.

You want to develop your telepathic skills, connect at the heart to heart level, and use ALL your subtle senses.

That’s how you become competent, confident, proficient, and accurate with animal communication.

You need tried and true ways, step by step guidance, with expert level techniques and coaching designed especially for this purpose.

When you develop all your subtle senses properly, all your clairs are online, available, active and in order.

And that’s a game changer for every area of your life!

This is why the way I teach animal communication is a spiritual “Souls Journey”, an evolution in elevated consciousness to healing, evolving and growing into your best Self.

The methods I use to teach students are designed to move you from 3D to 5D and beyond.

Because becoming consciously aware of HOW you receive intuitive information is a critical skill, and then learning how to translate your impressions from animals into words is important.

To do that well requires you becoming very good at feeling and sensing energy.

This is not a mind skill, it’s a feeling subtle energy skill.

For instance, when you’re developing your intuitive “psychic” subtle senses, getting your “clairs” in good working order…

You want to discover:

How do different colors feel?

Because colors are vibrational frequencies, not just colors.

Why do you need to know how colors feel?

So you can sense, track and be aware of them in an animal’s aura or chakra, meridians, or wei qi field, which can tell you a great deal about their health and well being, where they are stuck, what wounds they are struggling with, and so much more.

How do you develop your ability to sense and see and feel colors?

Gather a selection of different colored crayons or colored pencils or a variety of different colored but all the same shape and size container tubes of lipsticks or nail polish hidden inside your purse, pocket, or a bag.

Stick your hand inside and feel and sense them intuitively.

Then pull out your selection and see if what you sensed matches with what you are holding.

TIP: Start with colors that are very different from each other, like bright red, blue, purple, yellow, green.

Then when you can feel the difference between them consistently and are accurate, you can go for more subtle distinctions in colors.

Discover the difference between dusty rose, mauve, light pink versus dark pink or deep red? Or, blue red versus orange red or yellow reds? And so on. When you’ve gotten good at tracking and following subtle energy impressions, your accuracy rates will soar.

And those are scores you can feel great about and will be able to recreate at will!

Other intuition development exercises…

You can also use a deck of playing cards of any type, face down. To be clear, you are NOT playing a card game.

You are using the cards as tools to help you develop your intuitive abilities.

Choose one without looking at it, and feel the color, the type, and the shapes of what’s on the face of it.

Then check what you are intuiting to see how accurate you are, what you got right, and what you missed.

If you are working with runes inside a bag, first get clear on your question or what you’d like divine guidance on.

Feel them, hold them inside the bag without looking, and let your senses tell you which one is for you.

Trust yourself, and you’ll know which to choose. It will feel “right” in your hand.

Then pull it out and check the message associated with it. See if it fits an answer to your question.

If not, then try again, with greater clarity about your intention, and wait until the “right” rune pops for you.

Notice which doesn’t feel right, how does that energy differ from the one that does feel right?

You are developing your FELT subtle “psychic” senses which is the point of these exercises.

Can you sense the shape and size inside an object, like the swirl of colors inside a marble, or what’s inside a wrapped gift box?

Put several different types of candy flavors but all the same shape or wrapping, and hold one without looking at it.

Do they have a distinct flavor or taste or smell, and can you tell just by touch which one is which?

What’s the difference between peppermint or licorice or banana or cherry or grape or apple or… ?

First steps to developing your intuitive abilities with animals and animal communication.

Knowing your primary intuitive ability(s), and knowing what is undeveloped or not working well for you is a great first step.

When you know that, NOW when you tune into an animal and they are sending you energetic, subtle sense impressions, you can receive them and have more confidence.

If they send you an impression of a color, or a taste or smell, you’ll receive it and can interpret it properly and easily.

These are just a few ways to get started developing your subtle senses and intuitive abilities.

There are more senses too!

I’m referring to the gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, and all the other less commonly known senses of which there are many.

Beyond that you also need a safe place to practice in the right ways with other people’s animals in a big hearted, loving community with like minded students, where you can get proper feedback to grow your skills, improve your confidence and accuracy, know when you go off track or get disconnected, or are making mistakes along the way so you can improve.

It’s true that developing and discovering how to use your innate, intuitive gifts, senses and abilities so you become proficient, competent, and confident, is fascinating, joyful, fun and can delight you for the rest of your life…

But it’s not a “game” per se.

So… where can you get access to the right intuition development lessons and exercises that will develop your abilities to communicate with animals?

I’m so glad you asked!

Our Heart School of Animal Communication courses are chock full of them.

I crafted an expertly designed entire series of Intuition Development Lessons and Exercises especially for communication students (and professionals).

Those are available in the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club.

They are based on what I call the Heart Wisdom Methods of animal communication.


If you want to become a proficient, competent animal communicator as quickly as possible, then this is for you.

I have a wonderful program for people who love animals and want to become highly proficient at communicating with them using my method (known as the Heart Wisdom Method).

As you learn, you’ll be going on an all encompassing, spiritual journey to heal, evolve and grow into your best Self.

The program is a sequence of different trainings, and the further you go, the more competent you will be in my method. My “right fit” qualified students move through four levels of competence: beginner, intermediate, advanced, and proficient.

My “right fit” qualified students move through four levels of competence: beginner, intermediate, advanced, and proficient.

We work together for 6 months with the goal of you becoming proficient by the end. In addition to 1-on-1 support, you also get self-study material and group coaching, practice, and training opportunities.

If you would rather work solely 1-on-1 in a completely customized program, contact me?and we’ll see if it’s a good fit for you.

You can also choose to invest in the individual courses, private coaching sessions, and online membership separately if you don’t prefer to do the whole 6-month program right now.

Find out how we work together over the 6 months by each milestone of ability level HERE

Beginners and advanced students – especially folks wanting to make animal communication your career –? are welcome!

If you’d prefer to work with me one on one to solve the problems you’re struggling with, for healing for pets and/or people, and for personal coaching, visit

Your first “baby step” to developing your intuitive abilities is right here! Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals and get started.

Just click on the picture below!

I call this unique and powerful training the Heart Wisdom Way.

These are the things I teach my students how to do, and what I do for my private clients.

Animals are God’s Gifts on loan to you. They have a purpose.

They are your angels, guides, healers and teachers, and yes, guardians and soulmates.

It’s your job to learn how to speak their language, develop your senses properly, and become proficient.

Take the next step in your animal communication journey at

After all, your ability to communicate and understand your pet could even save your or your pet’s life someday.

Much love to you and your awesome pet companions and loved ones,


Enjoy this article on developing your intuitive ability to communicate with animals? Here are three more to help you:

Discovering the Joy of Visualization and Intuition

Five benefits of animal communication.

Being a dog whisperer comes in handy!

Elisa Silbert

C-Suite Executive Welltech, Finance, Media, Sport, Beverage Industries | Entrepreneurial Director with passion for Building Brands across diverse markets | Proven Strategic Leadership & Brand Building

1 年

Great sharing ??To become better at communicating with animals and using your innate intuitive abilities, you need to know how it feels when you sense the wrong or inaccurate or incomplete answers..



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