Can Friday Be Your Most Productive Day?
Jyoti Singh
General Manager-Human Resources | Driving Culture, Talent & Organizational Growth
Fridays can be overwhelming for many professionals because they have to juggle between the thrill of the weekend and the constant pressure of accomplishing the daily tasks.?The closer it gets to the weekend, the less energized you are to get things done and the more excited you are to bolt for the door, right?
However, Friday has always been my personal favorite and the most productive day of my week. Not only it helps me to reflect back on the accomplishments of the week but it also gives me time to plan for the upcoming week. So, how can you be productive on Friday?
Here's what helps me:
1. Fridays are naturally pleasing(of course because the weekend is near plus people are busy winding up their week). This gives me a quiet and reflective time and mood to assess my performance in the week. I always set aside minimum 30 mins to check my planner where I had listed down all the tasks planned for the week with boxes to check the accomplished ones once complete. This helps me in analyzing the work I did across the week, how I performed, what is pending, what improvements would be required. This is my dose of motivation for the tasks accomplished well and also a trigger for improvement for the next week. Since the weekend is near, I make sure I keep a reward for myself during the weekend.
2. Next, I keep aside minimum 30 mins to plan my next week. Like I mentioned above, "My Planner" helps me in that. I list down all the tasks to be achieved in the week, set up all my trainings/meetings, designate specific day/time for specific tasks, etc. Most importantly, I plan my Monday diligently. I'm very calculative of the tasks I perform and people I meet on Monday. I make sure I send minimum one gratitude message to a friend/coworker who helped me in any way and spend my time winning atleast one task on Monday. This not only helps me never feel the Monday Blues but also gives my week a fresh new positive start. So with this I have a complete plan and know exactly what is to be achieved in the upcoming week.
3. I utilize my Friday in Learning. Although as part of my role, I'm constantly reading and learning throughout the week but I make sure that I spend minimum 30 mins on Friday evening to learn something new outside of my role. This week I'll be finishing an article on "Nurturing your Garden"(I have planted a few saplings and want to make sure they grow well).
So just by spending my 90 minutes consciously on a Friday that's how I conclude my week positively, enter the weekend comfortable and separated from work, knowing that I have everything under control for the next week! That's how I make Friday the most productive day of my week.
I suggest you try that too and see the difference yourself. What do you say? What are your thoughts on this? Do share in your comments.