Can A First Aid Kit Expire? (And Why You Need To Check…)
Rhino Rescue
Rhino Rescue's mission is to provide safe, efficient, and scientific first aid products, safeguarding ever
There are two aspects to providing first aid and medical assistance. The first is having the skills and knowledge to know how to help in an emergency. The other is having the resources you need to put those skills into effect. While being properly trained in first aid is a valuable skill that can potentially save lives, there are limits to what you can do without medical equipment and supplies. You don’t need any special equipment to perform CPR on an unconscious person. But you can’t clean and dress a wound without bandages.
Thankfully first aid kits are now a common sight in almost all workplaces, schools, and public facilities, and most households have at least basic medical supplies. Some kits will be well maintained, while others will be rarely used and largely left untouched – possibly minus a few items that got used and not replaced.
Unfortunately, many of these first aid kits will be left mostly undisturbed for years. Some workplaces might make sure that any supplies used by staff are replenished, but a question very few people ask is “are any of our first aid supplies out of date?”
How Can First Aid Supplies Expire?
If you have a quick look through your medical kit, you might be shocked to find many items with a tiny expiry date printed on the packaging. We often think of food items and perishables having use-by dates (with the possible exception of honey), but generally, we assume things like bandages, tape, and scissors have no limit on shelf life. But the reality is a little more complex than this.
Many things can limit how long the supplies in a first aid kit stay good for.
What Is In A First Aid Kit?
First aid kits vary a lot, and the supplies they hold will differ. A lightweight survival first aid kit and a car first aid kit will have different supplies.?
Despite this, first aid kits often have similar types or categories of items – and this is useful to look at when thinking about what first aid supplies can go out of date. Things you’ll commonly see in many first aid kits include:
What Supplies Go Out Of Date?
Once we have a rough list of what sort of things we can expect in a first aid kit, we can start to look at what things do and don’t have a limited shelf life.
The first thing to watch out for is things that are supposed to be sterile when opened. This includes most bandages, wound dressings, and adhesive bandages – such as band-aids. It also includes a lot of specialised single-use items – such as sterile splinter removers. In general, you can’t count on sterile items to remain sterile forever – even in their packaging. And, of course, if the packaging is opened for some reason, you should be replacing it ASAP.
Many items which have some adhesive surface or items that contain rubber also frequently have a use-by date. This includes personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, masks, and disposable aprons. It also includes things like tape and elastic bandage fasteners.
Most medicines also have an expiry date, whether it’s a pill, a cream or ointment, or a liquid solution. These medicines often have active ingredients that can lose their potency over time, becoming less and less effective.
Alcohol wipes are another item that can stop being effective over time – in this case, generally because they’ve dried out or become contaminated. And lastly, although it might seem odd, first aid information booklets can get out of date as research on first aid and CPR advances and standards change.
On the other hand, there are many items in a first aid kit that don’t go out of date. This means it’s often worth replacing out-of-date supplies rather than trying to buy a whole new first aid kit. Some of the items that generally don’t out of date are:
Ultimately, the best way to know supplies in your first aid kit are in and out of date is to open it up and check – you may be surprised how many things need replacing. As a general rule, first aid supplies with a shelf life will generally have an expiry date 3-5 years after they were produced. So checking your kit every three years is about right.
Can You Use Out Of Date First Aid Supplies?
That’s a slightly tricky question, and it depends on what you mean. If you mean “can’t I just ignore the expiry dates?” then no. If you want to be genuinely prepared for a medical emergency (which is the point of a first aid kit), then you want to make sure that the supplies inside are fully effective. You don’t want to be working with dressings that don’t stick and gloves that tear as you try to put them on.
If instead, you’re asking “can I use old first aid supplies if there’s no other alternative” then the answer is probably yes. An out-of-date bandage will usually still do the job. You’d want to carefully check anything sterile (don’t use anything that’s obviously discoloured as it’s probably come unsealed and become mouldy or contaminated).
Adhesive dressings and tape are generally still good as long as it’s sterile and it is actually sticking. Alcohol wipes are similar – if you open the pack and they’re still fresh and moist, they’re probably fine. And although outdated first aid booklets might not have the most current information, they’re probably better than nothing. Especially if you’ve actually taken the time to get first aid trained yourself, in which case such information would normally just be a reminder.
PPE is a little tricky, as they can become less effective at protecting you as they degrade. So you might not want to depend on old gloves if you’re treating a significant injury with a high infection risk – not unless there’s no better option.
You should steer clear of out of date medication, though – it’s entirely possible to do more harm than good, especially if it’s very old.
Of course, as long as you’re not using your old first aid supplies for actual first aid, there’s nothing to stop you from using them for other purposes. An old bandage is just right for binding up a teddy bear when you’re teaching first aid to your kids.