Can the eclipse boost your bottom line? ABSOLUTELY!
Yesterday I created an eclipse ritual.
I decided to stay inside and go within.
Sitting quietly in our living room, I was watching the effect of the eclipse on the ocean: the color of the water changing from blue to dark grey.
I was listening to the waves, lit a candle, and enjoyed the stillness as I was sipping tea from the cup you see on my photo above.
Hello Sunshine! -- as I saw the writing on the mug, I thought while it is nice to create a ritual to mark a rare occasion, we do not need the Sun and the Moon to come together in order to meditate, listen deeply, and journal.
The good news is that yes, ABSOLUTELY, the eclipse can boost your bottom line if you are taking the time to feel grounded and focus on what really matters to you personally and what really matters in your business.
But the even better news is this: you can and should take a whole weekday off once a month regardless of how the celestial bodies are aligning.
At this stage you might be thinking that it is downright luxurious to step away from your business for so long. And it is. Luxurious yet absolutely necessary!
Here is a secret: I was a 5-figure entrepreneur for the first few years and I finally made it to the 6-figure mark due to scheduling a deep dive day with myself each month.
As entrepreneurs, we have the privilege to make such decisions -- yet most of us don't do it.
They did not teach us the importance of this in Business School at UCLA, and as an overachiever, I must confess that I've struggled with this notion for years.
Truth is, I've been blessed with an incredible passion for life. I have a fire and a drive that could fuel a spaceship to the Moon and back.
While I'm grateful for this, as always, there is a flip side that's rarely mentioned and I wanted to share with you.
It's much easier for me to go, go, go and do, do, do rather than just be.
For a long time I felt guilty when I've had a day that was not "productive". Can you relate?
Though when you work for yourself this is often seen as a strength, my perspective has changed throughout the years...
I believe that being overly productive might just be the #1 thing that's hurting your business!
I've been an entrepreneur for a decade.
As time goes by, I'm more and more convinced that when we take time to nurture ourselves, tap back into our purpose and our passion, we create full alignment within ourselves and with our business -- and that's when the magic happens!
I urge you to learn from what has been such a struggle for me for years.
Step away from your business for at least one full weekday every month. Yes, you've read it right: Every. Single. Month.
If right now you're thinking: "Zsuzsa, are you crazy? I can't just leave it all for a whole day!" than take two days.
I'm serious! The more overwhelmed we are, the more we need this!
Looking back on what has been an incredible ride of entrepreneurship, I would say that aside from having the support of other business owners, amazing mentors and a great team, it is this principle of regularly taking time off that has accelerated my personal and professional growth the most.
So eclipse or not, cheers to deep dive rituals, that allow us to re-charge, reflect and refocus on both our personal bliss and our business's bottom line.