Think of two people you frequently desire to work with, seek their advice, or get their help. And think of two people for whom you only seek their input when required.
Do two of those people have a CAN DO approach – a willingness to tackle a job and get it done, and openness to finding ways to get it done? And do the other two have a WHY NOT approach – quick to find reasons to not act?
Are you on the CAN DO list or the WHY NOT list when others think about this? Which list do you want to be on?
I have the privilege of working with a lot of people on many projects – Academic Authoring, Business, Charitable, Developmental, Editorial, Functional, Grading systems, Helping, Innovation, Just-in-time solutions, Knowledge management, Learning, Mentoring, Nourishing, Organizational, Product development, Quality improvement, Real change, Standards development, Technical, Uplifting, Vocabulary eXploration (Y not throw these word-of-the-day posts into the list?) (no ZZZZZs on the list)
Across all of these projects an EASY way to determine who to work with is to pick who has the CAN DO approach. It may not always be EASY to pick the right people, but the successful projects were only successful because of the CAN DO people.
Strength doesn’t come from what you know you CAN DO. It comes from overcoming the things you thought you couldn’t.